Women in lead­er­ship roles in the work­place was once an anom­aly. African Amer­i­can and Lati­na women in high-rank­ing posi­tions is some­thing that has not been seen before. It is no secret that there is a short sup­ply of Black CEOs or women in lead­er­ship posi­tions. Hav­ing a direct seat at the table, Dr. Lisa Brooks Greaux saw this dis­par­i­ty and quick­ly decid­ed she want­ed to enact change. A per­sis­tent chal­lenge, espe­cial­ly for wom­en’s rights, how­ev­er; Dr. Lisa Brooks Greaux is defy­ing all odds.

A nat­ur­al-born leader, who is okay with being dis­rup­tive. She is going to ask the tough ques­tions and find out why? She is going to dig deep­er and also speak up for those who don’t. She likes to push the enve­lope right up to the edge. A true rep­re­sen­ta­tion for oth­er women who seek their own seats at the table.

Wide­ly acclaimed Lead­er­ship Expert, Speak­er, Author, and founder of SYNC World­wide (Seek Your Nat­ur­al Call­ing), Dr. Lisa Brooks Greaux has ded­i­cat­ed her life and work to devel­op­ing the tal­ent in peo­ple. She does her due dili­gence in help­ing peo­ple see for them­selves the untapped poten­tial that has been inside of them all along. She equips indi­vid­u­als, brands, and busi­ness lead­ers alike with the tools nec­es­sary to strive for more and accom­plish their goals.

Dr. Brooks Greaux has a sin­cere pas­sion for speak­ing life into the patrons she works with. As a stu­dent and Pro­fes­sor, she saw the need for get­ting indi­vid­u­als to rec­og­nize their own pow­er. She saw many stu­dents squan­der­ing their poten­tial, and she didn’t want them to grad­u­ate with­out any true direc­tion. As she poured into her stu­dents, she real­ized she want­ed to men­tor peo­ple on a much larg­er scale, thus cre­at­ing SYNC. Seek Your Nat­ur­al Call­ing “SYNC” World­wide is a bou­tique HR com­pa­ny that pro­vides exec­u­tive coach­ing, lead­er­ship devel­op­ment and cus­tomized coach­ing; with an exper­tise in build­ing up women of col­or.

“I see peo­ple as they are, but I also see peo­ple for who they can become. Peo­ple are sat­is­fied with the lit­tle bit but there is so much more…” Dr. Brooks Greaux cites, as she encour­ages oth­ers to strive forth, see­ing the best in them­selves.

Although mak­ing her way to the top came with its own chal­lenges, she nev­er gave up.

Deter­mined and ded­i­cat­ed, she did­n’t allow oth­ers to see her for less than what she was. Often­times Dr. Brooks Greaux recalled that she had to work twice as hard as her coun­ter­parts just to be seen or tak­en seri­ous­ly, but she was not shy in stand­ing up for her­self. She would push those tough ques­tions and call peo­ple out on their “uncon­scious bias” to not treat her indif­fer­ent­ly due to her race or gen­der. She stands for inclu­sion and by rep­re­sent­ing her, she is also stand­ing up for oth­ers who look like her, and not just race or gen­der, but also age.


Through­out her jour­ney to lead­er­ship, she has faced many tough lessons in which she recounts in her nov­el “Don’t Abdi­cate The Throne”. Dr. Brooks Greaux pens a HOW TO guide for those who are in need of a mind­set shift. Her book advo­cates for peo­ple to speak up for them­selves and acclaim their


pow­er. “We all have pow­er. Pow­er does­n’t look like just mon­ey. There are so many dimen­sions of pow­er we just don’t uti­lize them.” She encour­ages her read­ers to ask for what they want and stand in their truth of what they deserve for their hard work.

Lisa Brooks Greaux is a trail­blaz­er in her own right and is set­ting a path­way for oth­er lead­ers, espe­cial­ly women of col­or, to dom­i­nate those male spaces and those indus­tries and by reclaim­ing their pow­er so oth­er women (and men) can seek their right­ful place on their throne.

Hats off to you, Mrs. Greux!

Vis­it her web­site to learn more.