Emi­ly Shah talks to Pop­fuzion TV about her upcom­ing film, “Jun­gle Cry”. It is based on a true sto­ry, and Shah plays the role of Rosh­ni Thakkar, who is the team’s phys­io­ther­a­pist. Shah is also an exec­u­tive pro­duc­er of the film.“Jungle Cry” is a sto­ry based on the expe­ri­ences of a rag­tag team of rug­by play­ers from the Kalin­ga Insti­tute of Social Sci­ences in India. This Rug­by team went on to secure a his­toric win in the 2007 Inter­na­tion­al Junior Rug­by Tour­na­ment in Lon­don.

Inter­viewed By: Sonia