A Los Ange­les based cater­ing com­pa­ny is tak­ing cater­ing to the next lev­el by cre­at­ing qual­i­ty food and desserts while also giv­ing back to the com­mu­ni­ty. Chef Bran­don Jones says he cre­at­ed NSFW PANTRY to bring a fun spin on food and treats. NSFW PANTRY also believes in giv­ing back to the com­mu­ni­ty. Over 50,000 home­less peo­ple are cur­rent­ly liv­ing on the streets of Los Ange­les and Chef Bran­don Jones and his team have month­ly gath­er­ings with friends and fam­i­ly to feed local home­less indi­vid­u­als through­out local cities.

In addi­tion to cater­ing deli­cious meals, their niche is their infu­sion of alco­hol in their recipes — specif­i­cal­ly desserts; hence the name, NSFW which stands for “Not Safe For Work” due to the alco­hol con­tent in their desserts and some foods. Can you imag­ine a cup­cake with your favorite frost­ing and infused with a hint of alco­hol?! Well here at POPFUZION TV we can per­son­al­ly vouch for how deli­cious their alco­hol infused desserts real­ly are includ­ing brown­ies, cook­ies, cup­cakes and more.

Over time their com­pa­ny grew from small name to a local inter­est pro­vid­ing cater­ing for birth­days, film shoots, events, fash­ion shows and more. And if you’re super lucky, you may even get to meet the real boss, his adorable lit­tle girl who is learn­ing entre­pre­neurism at a young age.

Well if you want to book NSFW PANTRY for your next event, be sure to click HERE.