Simone Gor­don, aka “The Black Fairy God­moth­er”, is known for being the founder of an assis­tive non-prof­it orga­ni­za­tion, “The Black Fairy God­moth­er Foun­da­tion”. She is a moth­er to her non­ver­bal autis­tic son, wit­ness­ing first-hand what it was like to need any form of help, with no one will­ing or able to pro­vide it to her. With her per­son­al expe­ri­ence weigh­ing heav­i­ly and her life’s obser­va­tions- birthed her orga­ni­za­tion. Its mis­sion is to pro­vide assis­tance to black and brown mar­gin­al­ized fam­i­lies, with the inten­tion of pro­vid­ing them with sta­bil­i­ty, and the prop­er tools nec­es­sary to ensure suc­cess depen­dent upon their needs.

Gor­don received the nick­name from a woman on the verge of evic­tion. Gor­don then felt that it was her goal to con­tin­ue to help oth­ers: espe­cial­ly women, chil­dren, and minori­ties, in any ways she knew how. Her sup­port is rang­ing inter­na­tion­al­ly, as she has accrued over forty-four thou­sand Insta­gram fol­low­ers, and has been fea­tured by Peo­ple, The Kel­ly Clark­son Show, Good Morn­ing Amer­i­ca, and more.

The pro­grams offered span over a mul­ti­tude of top­ics, such as: domes­tic vio­lence, schol­ar­ships, and even a pro­gram entail­ing adop­tion where­in a fundrais­er is orga­nized to make dona­tions to fam­i­lies in need through the pow­er and usage of social media plat­forms. Every sit­u­a­tion is per­son­al­ly vet­ted to prop­er­ly cal­cu­late the nec­es­sary assis­tance per fam­i­ly or per­son. Between social media and crowd­fund­ing, the orga­ni­za­tion has seen great suc­cess and con­tin­ues to oper­ate thanks to oth­er “Fairy God­moth­ers”.

Simone Gor­don stands for assist­ing, pro­vid­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties, and sec­ond chances. It is beyond evi­dent in her plat­form and her per­son­al­i­ty which for­mu­lates her clear cut pur­pose, that she is indeed, “The Black Fairy God­moth­er”.

Writ­ten By: Han­nah Fletch­er