Recent­ly, two young indi­vid­u­als teamed up for one of the most mean­ing­ful tours any­one could pos­si­bly have. The two great minds behind the “Project Kares Tour” are Khloe Thomp­son, 11 year old, founder of Khloe Kares, and Jahk­il Jack­son, 10 year old, founder of Project I Am. Khloe and Jahkil’s non-prof­it foun­da­tions share the same mis­sion, a mis­sion is to end home­less­ness.

These young phil­an­thropists decid­ed to have a total of six stops, start­ing from Los Ange­les, Las Vegas, Atlanta, New York, Wash­ing­ton DC, to Chica­go. “Project Kares Tour” was cre­at­ed in hopes to influ­ence com­mu­ni­ties to be a part of this mis­sion and also to pos­i­tive­ly impact the home­less com­mu­ni­ties. With the help of vol­un­teers, “Project Kares Tour” was able to suc­cess­ful­ly give out care pack­ages to those in need and give indi­vid­u­als the oppor­tu­ni­ty to make spe­cial inter­ac­tions, like a sim­ple hap­py con­ver­sa­tion, that per­haps they hard­ly ever get.

You may won­der where did Khloe and Jahk­il get their pas­sion to help the home­less com­mu­ni­ty. Both grew up in cities that are known for hav­ing high rates of home­less­ness; Khloe resides in Los Ange­les and Jahk­il in Chica­go. Ear­li­er this year, the U.S. Depart­ment of Hous­ing and Urban Devel­op­ment record­ed an esti­mate of 554,000 home­less indi­vid­u­als.  

Well-known peo­ple have rec­og­nized the mis­sion of these young phil­an­thropists. Jahk­il received recog­ni­tion from for­mer pres­i­dent Oba­ma, and Khloe spoke along­side with Sele­na Gomez at WE Day. The “Project Kares Tour” is a great exam­ple that any young indi­vid­ual can start tak­ing action against home­less­ness. With mod­els like Khloe and Jahk­il, young indi­vid­u­als will soon rec­og­nize the impor­tance of help­ing the home­less, mak­ing their mis­sion stronger and effec­tive for our com­mu­ni­ties.

Blogged By: Mitzi Pena