Off the heels of Moth­er’s Day as we got the chance to cel­e­brate all of the  love­ly moth­ers and moth­er fig­ures, we would love to share with you an incred­i­ble orga­ni­za­tion who is tru­ly help­ing the world under­stand the impor­tance of father­hood! Intro­duc­ing Good Fathers Only . Good Fathers Only is a par­ent­ing sup­port pro­gram for the new and sea­soned fathers. The founder, Calvin T. Mann breaks down the impor­tance of father­hood and the amaz­ing move­ment of Good Fathers Only.

 1. How did you come up with the con­cept of Good Fathers Only?

Good Fathers Only (GFO) was built off of me know­ing Good Fathers, it’s all I want­ed to know. So I would ask men were they Good Fathers? 90% of the time it was “yes” with a “why are you ask­ing” look.

In 2006 before I took the infor­ma­tion to a lawyer I designed the logo and from there we start­ed The Good Fathers Only. The sum­mer of 2008 we start­ed Father’s Day week­end at the For­mer May­or’s Dad Day Out event where we would open our trunk and men would pour into and pur­chase the T‑shirts.

2. What are some pro­grams and edu­ca­tion­al resources that Good Father’s Only pro­vides?

Good fathers only was a group mem­ber­ship until 2018 when we became a 501c3, We have done men­tor­ing to sup­port boys, we have done work­shops to sup­port dad’s, we share all the infor­ma­tion to help fathers get into the lives of chil­dren with lawyers, non­prof­it legal orga­ni­za­tions, we have part­nered with Emiy Inc to men­tor, we val­ue dads so we con­tin­ue the Father­hood Cel­e­bra­tion Walk, and we do Father­hood Uni­ty Month where we bring solu­tions and infor­ma­tion to new, young, and sea­soned fathers. We have helped with sev­er­al caus­es includ­ing men’s prostate can­cer, dia­betes, lupus, colon can­cer and more.

3. Some­times men need an out­let and sup­port through trou­bling times includ­ing adjust­ing and re-adjust­ing to fam­i­ly life. Do you feel that men are afraid to speak up about this top­ic, if so, why?

Today men are speak­ing up more, and more, it is still in some ways some­thing we deal with but because of dif­fer­ent groups, we do our month­ly Lean on The Father led by Melvin Dacres and David Pat­ter­son who are two of our men who under­stand the impor­tance of shar­ing pain and progress. We have very strong part­ner­ships with HOTEP Chris­t­ian Ser­vices led by Dr. Ural Hill and Miller Carr and asso­ciates led by Dr. Chan­dra Carr.

4. Can you share with our read­ers about “Dad­dy Talk” and “Father of the month”?

Dad­dy Talk is where men share their sto­ries because we need fathers to share so oth­er fathers can learn and we also use Dad­dy talk dur­ing Father­hood Uni­ty Month to High­light our speak­ers and pre­sen­ters who share their wisdom.Daddy talk has been around with us for quite some­time and it was on twit­ter and we inter­viewed sev­er­al men, you can see more on our youtube/goodfathersonly. Father of the month is going to grow. We need spon­sors so we can real­ly share good things with the Fathers.

5. How can our read­ers sup­port this type of move­ment in our every­day lives?

Sup­port­ing us is sup­port­ing and inspir­ing father­hood just by pur­chas­ing a shirt or hat or water bot­tle, donat­ing, join­ing our mem­ber­ship so we can build in oth­er cities, which we are doing right now; a ten city chap­ter for boys and fathers. Use our prod­uct to move a father that does­n’t real­ly par­tic­i­pate, plant that seed, send the child a gfo t‑shirt and plant that seed.

If we val­ue Father­hood we then would val­ue more life every­day.  Please also sup­port our cap­i­tal cam­paign at by click­ing the red but­ton with our part­ner. 

Be sure to fol­low Good Fathers Only on social media; Face­book @goodfathersonly and Twit­ter @goodFathersonly or their web­site by click­ing HERE