To all the dance lovers and those who enjoy mak­ing mem­o­ries lis­ten­ing to the hottest new DJs; we are so hap­py to tell you that all fes­ti­val doors are begin­ning to open to the PLUR com­mu­ni­ty and so many oth­ers! And for those of you who don’t know, (PLUR is a behav­ioral and eth­i­cal guide for ravers and club­bers that grew out of a desire to be a safe and inclu­sive com­mu­ni­ty.)

As we know, Covid-19 has caused many restric­tions in the music fes­ti­val com­mu­ni­ty due to reg­u­la­tions made by the CDC. These reg­u­la­tions have caused the elec­tron­ic music event pro­mot­er and music dis­trib­u­tor, Insom­ni­ac to post­pone many loved fes­ti­vals in South­ern Cal­i­for­nia for the past two years. Fast-for­ward to the present day where many are start­ing to get vac­ci­nat­ed, proof of vac­ci­na­tion has made it pos­si­ble for fes­ti­vals to be reopened.

Insom­ni­ac had many high expec­ta­tions to meet when they announced back in March that they were bring­ing back one of the largest EDM fes­ti­vals world­wide in Octo­ber. There was much spec­u­la­tion as to how the fes­ti­val, Elec­tric Daisy Car­ni­val Las Vegas (EDCLV), was going to be pulled off in such a short amount of time.

To give a bit of con­text, EDCLV is known to be one of Insom­ni­acs main events of the year rack­ing in about more than 150,000 peo­ple per day for this 3‑day fes­ti­val. This year marked the fes­ti­val’s 25th anniver­sary and was going to be Octo­ber 22nd, 2021 through Octo­ber 24th, 2021 at the Las Vegas Motor Speed­way. The tick­ets were sold out the day after they were released and had many fes­ti­val lovers excit­ed for the main event.

Towards the final month lead­ing up to the fes­ti­val, Insom­ni­ac media began send­ing emails to atten­dees in regards to the vac­ci­na­tion man­dates and had con­stant updates on what was expect­ed at the venue as well as” know before you go” infor­ma­tion . For exam­ple, there were emails sent show­ing illus­tra­tions of the fes­ti­val map, park­ing map, entry require­ments, health and safe­ty, and the dif­fer­ent brands col­lab­o­rat­ing with the fes­ti­val.

As the day of the fes­ti­val came, the fes­ti­val grounds were orga­nized in hav­ing 3 major check­points per entry in which the first was the neg­a­tive Covid-19 test or vac­ci­na­tion proof, in which a green wrist­band was giv­en, the sec­ond check­point was an iden­ti­fi­ca­tion check and last­ly was secu­ri­ty check. Insomniac’s COVID guide­lines for the fes­ti­val also dove into san­i­ta­tion pre­cau­tions.

“In addi­tion to vac­ci­na­tion and neg­a­tive test checks, EDC Las Vegas will be work­ing close­ly with local offi­cials to imple­ment safe­ty pre­cau­tions and will fol­low state and local health guide­lines in place at the time of the event.”

There were notices and maps of how to locate the med­ical staff and Insom­ni­ac pro­vid­ed a ground con­trol team to walk around the premis­es to  help atten­dees with any assis­tance they might require dur­ing the event.

“I hon­est­ly am so glad to see every­one’s smil­ing face and just hav­ing all these smil­ing faces back. I would have to say the out­fits because every­one is try­ing to look amaz­ing,” said Jamie Sanchez, Las Vegas res­i­dent and insom­ni­ac ground con­trol staff mem­ber.

“I think we are all try­ing our best to respect man­dates and I see that every­one had to show that they were cleared to enjoy the fes­ti­val so I see no prob­lem with it,” said Sanchez in regard to how she felt about hold­ing EDCLV with so many peo­ple.

Over­all, the con­cert was safe and fans seemed to enjoy over 200 artists and eight stages on the Las Vegas Motor Speed­way.

“I’ve been to only one EDCLV in 2018 but I do think that the venue and orga­ni­za­tion of the fes­ti­val itself was out­stand­ing com­pared to the past! I think Insom­ni­ac did an amaz­ing job at orga­niz­ing such an event,” said Daniel­la Mejia, EDCLV attendee.

In addi­tion to these fes­ti­vals, there are many oth­er music fes­ti­vals hap­pen­ing lat­er on in this year and even one for New Years Eve! So give the EDM com­mu­ni­ty a chance you might be wowed!

**This arti­cle was writ­ten before the Astroworld trag­ic event. We send all of our love to the fam­i­lies and friends of the vic­tims of Astroworld and any­one who was phys­i­cal­ly or men­tal­ly impact­ed by this tragedy**

Blogged By: Des­ti­nee Mon­drag­on