Elle B. Mam­be­tov had to spend two years in a for­eign prison after her and her fash­ion busi­ness were defraud­ed by her for­mer best friend. Now, Elle is mak­ing an amaz­ing come­back and is about to release a new col­lec­tion of mod­est fash­ion, vir­tu­al style!! Click HERE to check it out. Also, be sure to tune in to our inter­view with her on Com­cast cable at 4:30 p.m. (ET) or by click­ing the link below.

UPDATE May 29, 2020: Elle has intro­duced the relaunch of her lux­u­ry fash­ion wom­enswear brand Elle B Zhou with a ben­e­fit fash­ion pre­sen­ta­tion for COVID-19, an under­tak­ing that is the first of its kind in the indus­try.

