Orig­i­nal­ly from The Bronx, New York City, Khar­mo­ny For­tune is the youngest black woman CEO who found­ed one of the lead­ing suc­cess­ful tal­ent man­age­ment agen­cies based in Hol­ly­wood, CA, Unlim­it­ed Pos­si­bil­i­ties Music and Tal­ent Agency (UPMT Agency). Here at Pop­Fuzion TV, we have the exclu­sive on their newest project under their pro­duc­tion arm, Unlim­it­ed Pos­si­bil­i­ties Stu­dios, as they are pre­mier­ing the trail­er to their high­ly antic­i­pat­ed TV series cre­at­ed by Khar­mo­ny For­tune titled, The Mels, a half hour dram­e­dy fol­low­ing the jour­ney of Melanie, Melody and Melis­sa, three brown skinned girls with com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent lives who form a bond on the first day of fresh­man year. The three main roles are played by up and com­ing young stars Ketu­rah Gregg (HBO, Inse­cure) DèLon Shaw (Net­flix, Fam­i­ly Reunion) and Anisa Wash­ing­ton (Record­ing Artist).

“I am so over­joyed by the priv­i­lege to dream and man­i­fest this amaz­ing project star­ring these beau­ti­ful tal­ent­ed young women,” says Khar­mo­ny For­tune. “The Mels goes inside the dif­fer­ent jour­neys of these young women in a way that every­one can relate to.”

The full trail­er can be exclu­sive­ly seen below and is now avail­able on The Mels’ YouTube chan­nel, IGTV and TheMels.TV


Hi, we’re The Mels. Right now, all of our friends are busy wor­ry­ing about fit­ting in at school and all we can think about is mak­ing sure we don’t dis­ap­pear into the crowd of “same­ness”. Yes we are all girls, with the same nick­name, attend the same school and are all super tal­ent­ed but our lives are very dif­fer­ent. School is just the begin­ning. The real chal­lenge kicks in when we get home, where we strug­gle to be authen­tic, fol­low our dreams, and live beyond just sur­viv­ing. We grew up admir­ing Michelle Oba­ma and Rihan­na turn into a boss babe, but every­one still looks at us as “just girls”. We are not ordi­nary, we are extra­or­di­nary, just like you. You will fall in love with the jour­ney of self dis­cov­ery again and again in this “keep it real” dram­e­dy rep­re­sent­ing girls every­where!