1.How did you get your break into the enter­tain­ment indus­try?

My Dad owned a night­club and I was his assis­tant. I was raised in the            indus­try. It was a big part of my life grow­ing up.

2.What have been some strug­gles and tri­umphs you would like to share with our read­ers?

One strug­gle is being an inde­pen­dent pro­mot­er with all the big names in the indus­try. A tri­umph is being an inde­pen­dent pro­mot­er among all the big name pro­mot­ers and being able to pro­duce sold out shows.

3.Looking back, what is one piece of advice that you would give your younger self?

Look­ing back today there would­n’t be any­thing I would tell myself because fol­low­ing my dad’s teach­ing til today has got­ten me where I am today.

4.Since the late 80’s you’ve been pro­mot­ing and sell­ing out night clubs and bring­ing some of the most influ­en­tial artists to South­ern, CA. What has been your favorite col­lab­o­ra­tion thus far?

Mor­ris­sey and the fact that he agreed to do our upcom­ing show Cru­el World with so many oth­er great 80’s artists.

5.Congrats on the part­ner­ship with Uncle Snoops Army. How did that part­ner­ship come about?

Snoop Dogg met at my shows. We began to talk about busi­ness ven­tures togeth­er and the rest is his­to­ry. We want­ed to be able to give artists the oppor­tu­ni­ty to get on a stage with­out the pol­i­tics of a major agency stand­ing in their way.

6.For peo­ple who don’t know, can you tell us a lit­tle bit about the new enter­tain­ment com­pa­ny you and Snoop are cre­at­ing?

We have our part­ner­ship Snoop Dogg Presents and Bob­by Dee Presents, pro­duc­ing some of the hottest con­certs and fes­ti­vals. We also have a book­ing agency Uncle Snoop’s Army to be able to give artists the oppor­tu­ni­ty to get on a stage with­out the pol­i­tics of a major agency stand­ing in their way.

7.What are some events that fans can look out for from Bob­by Dee Presents?

Once upon a time in the LBC is a big one. We are also tak­ing Lovers and Friends nation­wide, so keep a look­out for states near you. The rest is a secret as we can’t give every­thing away.