Habi­tat for Human­i­ty of Greater Los Ange­les hon­ored actress and phil­an­thropist Hol­ly Robin­son Peete, The LA Galaxy, and Watt Com­pa­nies at its 2018 Los Ange­les Builders Ball held on Thurs­day, Sep­tem­ber 27 at the Bev­er­ly Hilton.

The annu­al event was absolute­ly amaz­ing and cel­e­brat­ed out­stand­ing indi­vid­u­als and com­pa­nies that share Habi­tat LA’s com­mit­ment to revi­tal­iz­ing and trans­form­ing the land­scape of Los Ange­les.

In addi­tion to rec­og­niz­ing the organization’s coun­ter­parts in build­ing and real estate relat­ed indus­tries, the event also raised funds and aware­ness for Habi­tat LA’s Build­ing a Greater Los Ange­les cam­paign to empow­er low-income fam­i­lies by build­ing strength and sta­bil­i­ty through home­own­er­ship.

“The 2018 Los Ange­les Builder’s Ball hon­orees are true change mak­ers and we are thrilled to hon­or them,” said Erin Rank, Pres­i­dent and CEO, Habi­tat LA. “Their com­mit­ment to serve the greater Los Ange­les com­mu­ni­ty and their per­son­al involve­ment with Habi­tat LA has made a sig­nif­i­cant impact in the lives of our cur­rent and future home­own­ers and neigh­bors across LA Coun­ty.”

Some of the 2018 hon­orees includ­ed:

(Hol­ly Robin­son Peete with Pop­Fuzion TV host Andre’ Ham­monds)

Hol­ly Robin­son Peete who received the Dream Builder Award in recog­ni­tion for her com­mit­ment to help­ing those in need through the Hol­ly­Rod Foun­da­tion, which pro­vides com­pas­sion­ate care and ser­vices to under­served indi­vid­u­als and fam­i­lies that are finan­cial­ly and emo­tion­al­ly affect­ed by autism and Parkinson’s dis­ease. Hol­ly has vol­un­teered with Habi­tat LA sev­er­al times and has served as its Nation­al Women Build Week spokes­women. (Check out our inter­view with her HERE)

The LA Galaxy received the Foun­da­tion Builder Award in recog­ni­tion of their com­mit­ment to help­ing those in need through the LA Galaxy Foun­da­tion. The LA Galaxy Foun­da­tion is ded­i­cat­ed to assist­ing the com­mu­ni­ty through soc­cer pro­gram­ming that pro­motes inclu­sion for all ath­letes, edu­ca­tion oppor­tu­ni­ties, and a strong spir­it of vol­un­teerism. The LA Galaxy has been an impor­tant part­ner and long-time sup­port­er of Habi­tat LA for near­ly a decade.

(“Sug­ar” Ray Leonard with Pop­Fuzion TV host Andre’ Ham­monds)

The Habi­tat for Human­i­ty of Greater Los Ange­les (Habi­tat LA) also hon­ored  “Sug­ar” Ray Leonard. Mr. Leonard received the organization’s Dream Builder Award rec­og­niz­ing his com­mit­ment to help­ing those in need in the com­mu­ni­ty, as an indi­vid­ual and through the vast efforts of the Sug­ar Ray Leonard Foun­da­tion.