This upcom­ing fash­ion show is not only help­ing girls with con­fi­dence, but is also adding some super cool accents to the clos­ets of young ladies who need them the most.

We spoke with the non-prof­it foun­da­tion Afri-female Insti­tute and their upcom­ing plans to hold a fash­ion show which will sup­port at risk youth. And get this…these young ladies will not only get to strut their stuff down the run­way, but your cloth­ing dona­tion will go straight to their clos­ets!

At-risk youth need rela­tion­ships that are both car­ing and sta­ble. They need to build a sense of trust and have the time to com­mu­ni­cate the com­plex­i­ty, frus­tra­tions, and pos­i­tive aspects of their lives in and out of school. We are for­tu­nate that such non-prof­it orga­ni­za­tions exist and we tru­ly hope you will donate a piece of cloth­ing to this incred­i­ble cause. Check out some of the details below:


What is the mis­sion of Afri-female Insti­tute?

The mis­sion of the Afri-Female Insti­tute is to devel­op pur­pose and char­ac­ter in young girls ages 9–18. Our pri­ma­ry focus are youth who are impact­ed by socio-eco­nom­ic risks.

We invest in the lives of youth by build­ing healthy envi­ron­ments they need to thrive, and empow­er them to cre­ate last­ing changes in their own lives and their com­mu­ni­ties. We encour­age them to devel­op their fullest poten­tial in mind, body, and spir­it. Build­ing a path­way to pur­pose, imple­ment­ing pro­grams that address: Edu­ca­tion, Eco­nom­ic Devel­op­ment, Crime, Fam­i­ly and Finan­cial Lit­er­a­cy. Teens are very resilient and solu­tions can be found in pro­vid­ing guid­ance, car­ing, sup­port­ive men­tor­ing rela­tion­ships, and pre­ven­tion pro­grams that chan­nel their tal­ents and ener­gies into con­struc­tive, skill build­ing activ­i­ties. Our mis­sion is to con­nect young peo­ple with the need­ed sup­port and ser­vices in order to divert them from the involve­ment in the juve­nile jus­tice sys­tem.

What is the mis­sion behind the fash­ion show?

The mis­sion behind the Fash­ion show is to help raise mon­ey that will sup­port Afri-Female Insti­tute help, “At Risk Youth” with pro­grams to help them make bet­ter life chang­ing deci­sions to suc­ceed in life. Cur­rent­ly the need for pre­ven­tion and inter­ven­tion pro­grams in Delaware out­weighs their avail­abil­i­ties. The Fash­ion show will raise aware­ness to our com­mu­ni­ty about our cause and spark inter­est among donors to help meet our needs to help empow­er our youth to have a bet­ter future. Col­lab­o­rat­ing with busi­ness­es and the com­mu­ni­ty can make a big impact in devel­op­ing a strong com­mu­ni­ty and eco­nom­ic inde­pen­dence for our youth. The Fash­ion show will also inspire our youth to ini­ti­ate a social change, by learn­ing and trans­form­ing ways to dress for suc­cess. A study at South­ern Methodist Uni­ver­si­ty (SMU) found as a result of teens need for peer accep­tance, they are recep­tive to char­ac­ter­is­tics such as char­ac­ter, per­son­al­i­ty, etc. Since a lot of teens try to find their iden­ti­ty through high school and fash­ion, it can ulti­mate­ly change not only their per­son­al­i­ty, but their char­ac­ter towards oth­er peo­ple and fam­i­ly.  It would be a won­der­ful thing if that ener­gy could be chan­neled to learn­ing how to open a dress shop or anoth­er busi­ness.    

When is the fash­ion show date? 

The date for the Fash­ion Show is April 10, 2021. 

For cloth­ing dona­tions are you accept­ing new clothes and worn clothes or just new clothes

For cloth­ing dona­tions, we will accept gen­tly worn clothes and new clothes. 

Are those clothes going to be worn in the fash­ion show? Where / who will the clothes go to? 

The clothes will be worn in the Fash­ion Show and the young girl that mod­els them will be able to take them home with her.  The Fash­ion Show will be held at the Har­vest Year Senior Cen­ter in Cam­den Delaware. 

What size clothes? 

The sizes of the girls range from size 3 all the way up to 1 and 2X.

Is the insti­tute a non- prof­it foun­da­tion and will peo­ple giv­ing dona­tions be able to write off the dona­tions? 

The Afri-Female Insti­tute Inc. is a non-prof­it 501© (3) locat­ed in Mag­no­lia, Delaware serv­ing all youth in our com­mu­ni­ty that need help, age 9–18. Yes, all dona­tions are 100% tax deductible.  

What date do you need the clothes by?  

We would like to have donat­ed clothes by Feb­ru­ary 1, 2021.  

Cloth­ing dona­tions can be sent to…

Jessie Green

970 W. Birdie Ln., Mag­no­lia, DE 19962

Please donate on Face­book by click­ing this link below: