Esteemed actress and phil­an­thropist Hol­ly Robin­son Peete starred in two upcom­ing beloved Hall­mark hol­i­day films, THE CHRISTMAS DOCTOR (Novem­ber 15th on Hall­mark Movies & Mys­ter­ies) and CHRISTMAS IN EVERGREEN: THE BELLS ARE RINGING (Decem­ber 5th on the Hall­mark Chan­nel). She also stars in Hall­mark’s MORNING SHOW MYSTERIES fran­chise on The Hall­mark Chan­nel and The Hall­mark Movies & Mys­ter­ies Chan­nel. 

She is addi­tion­al­ly the founder of the incred­i­ble non-prof­it The Hol­ly­Rod Foun­da­tion which pro­vides resources for fam­i­lies impact­ed by parkin­son’s dis­ease and autism. Despite many peo­ple say­ing her son R.J. would not be able to accom­plish cer­tain things due to his autism, he con­tin­ues to defy all odds! Check out an episode high­light of our con­ver­sa­tion with her below.