Lit­tle Rose Jack­son want­ed noth­ing more than to be her favorite super­hero for her third birth­day. The lik­ing that Rose took in admir­ing Spi­der­man came out of nowhere but hap­pened in an instant. Her moth­er, Dia­mond Jack­son, made it her mis­sion to give Rose the expe­ri­ence of a life­time. Jack­son pur­chased a Spi­der-Man cos­tume and cus­tomized it to Rose’s nat­ur­al curly hair to give her the great­est birth­day expe­ri­ence. 

Jack­son is also a pro­fes­sion­al pho­tog­ra­ph­er and includ­ed a pho­to­shoot for Rose’s third birth­day.. Jack­son men­tioned how Rose usu­al­ly isn’t the type to pose eas­i­ly for pho­tos but she had a dif­fer­ent atti­tude about shoot­ing as her all time favorite char­ac­ter! 


As it seemed like noth­ing for Jack­son to want to share the pho­tos on social media and didn’t expect the mas­sive hit the pho­to­shoot got and going com­plete­ly  viral. To Jack­son it just showed her daugh­ter embrac­ing the hero she admires and the nat­ur­al beau­ty of her­self.

Blogged By: Des­ti­nee Mon­drag­on