LOS ANGELES, CA — A$AP Rocky is walk­ing free after a jury found him not guilty on two felony counts of assault with a semi­au­to­mat­ic firearm. The rap­per, whose real name is Rakim May­ers, had been accused of fir­ing a gun at his for­mer friend and band­mate, Ter­rell Ephron, known as A$AP Rel­li dur­ing a heat­ed argu­ment in 2021.

The ver­dict fol­lows a three-week tri­al in which pros­e­cu­tors paint­ed May­ers as an aggres­sor who shot Ephron over a per­son­al dis­pute. The 36-year-old rap­per, who plead­ed not guilty, faced up to 24 years in prison, though pros­e­cu­tors sought eight. His defense team argued that Ephron had assault­ed him twice that night and that May­ers only fired a prop gun to pre­vent fur­ther vio­lence.

Dur­ing clos­ing argu­ments, Deputy Dis­trict Attor­ney Paul Przelomiec told jurors the case came down to a sin­gle ques­tion: whether May­ers used a real or fake gun. The jury ulti­mate­ly sided with the defense, clear­ing the rap­per of all charges.

May­ers chose not to tes­ti­fy in his own defense and pre­vi­ous­ly declined a pre-tri­al plea deal that would have result­ed in 180 days in jail. His part­ner and glob­al super­star Rihan­na, arrived at the cour­t­house with their two chil­dren ahead of clos­ing argu­ments and returned Fri­day as the ver­dict was read.

The case stemmed from an alleged con­fronta­tion near a Hol­ly­wood hotel where May­ers and his A$AP col­lec­tive were meet­ing to set­tle a dis­pute. Pros­e­cu­tors claimed he pulled a semi­au­to­mat­ic pis­tol from his waist­band, point­ed it at Ephron, and fired twice. Ephron tes­ti­fied that one of the bul­lets grazed his hand.

Now, with the tri­al behind him, May­ers walks away with­out a con­vic­tion, avoid­ing a lengthy prison sen­tence that could have dra­mat­i­cal­ly changed the tra­jec­to­ry of his career.


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