Actress Kennedy Mar­tin is set to star in the high­ly antic­i­pat­ed Life­time film, “Who’s Stalk­ing My Fam­i­ly,” which will pre­miere at 8 p.m. on Novem­ber 7. The film show­cas­es Mar­t­in’s evolv­ing tal­ent as she nav­i­gates the emo­tion­al land­scapes of com­plex char­ac­ters in the thriller genre, solid­i­fy­ing her posi­tion as a ris­ing star in the com­pet­i­tive world of act­ing.

Martin’s jour­ney into the world of act­ing began at a remark­ably young age. At just 9 years old, she made her the­atri­cal debut in the equi­ty pro­duc­tion of “Beyond the Rain­bow” at Actors The­atre of Indi­ana, where she played a young Judy Gar­land. Look­ing back on that trans­for­ma­tive expe­ri­ence, Mar­tin recalls, “The idea that you could actu­al­ly get paid to do what you love was mind-blow­ing to me!” The excite­ment of per­form­ing, com­bined with the cama­raderie she found among the adult cast mem­bers, reignit­ed a spark of pas­sion that has since grown into an impres­sive career.

In her upcom­ing role as Sadie in “Who’s Stalk­ing My Fam­i­ly,” Mar­tin found aspects of her char­ac­ter that res­onat­ed deeply with her own val­ues. “Sadie has a big heart and a rebel­lious spir­it,” she shared. “She tru­ly cares about her fam­i­ly and always tries to see the best in peo­ple, even when it gets her into trou­ble.” The com­plex­i­ty of Sadie’s char­ac­ter appealed to Mar­tin, espe­cial­ly giv­en her youth­ful naivety and brav­ery in a chal­leng­ing sit­u­a­tion. With a quick film­ing sched­ule, Mar­tin prepped exten­sive­ly before arriv­ing on set, tak­ing time to reflect on Sadie’s emo­tion­al jour­ney. She vivid­ly recalled one thrill-filled scene where Sadie finds her­self trapped in the back of a car, stat­ing, “It was such a thrill to film! 


Martin’s diverse port­fo­lio includes a blend of live-action projects and voice-over work, high­light­ing her ver­sa­til­i­ty as an actress. She expressed her enthu­si­asm for both medi­ums: “Com­mer­cials tend to be more expres­sive and excitable, while voice-over work is about con­vey­ing emo­tion just through your voice.” Inter­est­ing­ly, Mar­tin not­ed that with ani­ma­tion, she often employs a range of facial expres­sions to cap­ture the essence of her characters—something that doesn’t always trans­late to live-action work. “On-cam­era work allows me to explore my char­ac­ter in-depth and col­lab­o­rate with fel­low actors over time, which is a ful­fill­ing expe­ri­ence.”

As she con­tin­ues to rise in the indus­try, Mar­tin is deter­mined to share her knowl­edge with aspir­ing actors. Her key advice cen­ters around hon­ing one’s craft: “Get good at your craft, take act­ing class­es, and spend as much time on set as pos­si­ble,” she advised. “Cre­at­ing your own work keeps you cre­ative­ly ful­filled and pro­vides you with valu­able oppor­tu­ni­ties to pol­ish your skills.  Most impor­tant­ly, she empha­sizes the sig­nif­i­cance of kind­ness in the indus­try. “Be a kind per­son,” she not­ed. “That’s what real­ly sticks with peo­ple and makes them want to work with you again. Humil­i­ty and a will­ing­ness to learn go a long way.”

Look­ing ahead, Mar­tin is keen to delve deep­er into gen­res that chal­lenge her as an actress. “This year, I’ve worked pri­mar­i­ly on thrillers, hor­rors, and sus­pense films, and they’ve been a blast!” she exclaimed. She has a spe­cif­ic affin­i­ty for “ripped-from-the-head­lines” Life­time films, which are based on true sto­ries, and is par­tic­u­lar­ly eager to engage in ground­ed, char­ac­ter-dri­ven dra­mas. Shows such as “The Sex Lives of Col­lege Girls” and “Tell Me Lies” are cur­rent­ly on her radar as poten­tial projects that align with her artis­tic aspi­ra­tions.

With her heart­felt approach to act­ing, ded­i­ca­tion to sto­ry­telling, and a pas­sion for explor­ing com­plex char­ac­ters, Kennedy Mar­tin is poised to cap­ti­vate audi­ences in “Who’s Stalk­ing My Fam­i­ly” and beyond. Her jour­ney is just begin­ning, and with each role, she con­tin­ues to show­case her remark­able tal­ent and depth as an actress.

For more infor­ma­tion on Kennedy Mar­tin and her upcom­ing projects, fol­low her on Insta­gram .