Kids Fash­ion Week DMV is for kids and by kids! This year due to COVID-19, the mod­els slayed the run­way vir­tu­al style with a very spe­cial host, Ash­ley Dar­by!

Kids Fash­ion Week pro­vides a major plat­form to youth in order to present their tal­ents and abil­i­ties to the world. Their year-long pro­gram reach­es youth in diverse gen­res to include per­form­ing arts, entre­pre­neur­ship and cre­ative indus­tries. They offer youth an oppor­tu­ni­ty for growth, net­work­ing and devel­op­ment in their respec­tive indus­tries. The pro­gram cul­mi­nates with an annu­al week long event “Kids Fash­ion Week DMV” and “Kids Fash­ion Week San Diego”.

The objec­tives of Kids Fash­ion Week is to:

Pro­vide a plat­form for chil­dren look­ing to advance their mod­el­ing careers.

Show­case design­er’s youth col­lec­tions

Offer an oppor­tu­ni­ty for growth, net­work­ing and devel­op­ment for chil­dren work­ing in the enter­tain­ment indus­try.

Check out their dig­i­tal event pro­gram guide: