The night of art and fash­ion known as the Met Gala is the well await­ed event of the year with many A‑list celebri­ties wow­ing spec­ta­tors with their cre­ative looks. The Met­ro­pol­i­tan Muse­um of Art’s Cos­tume Insti­tute Ben­e­fit is the fash­ion­able char­i­ty event to fol­low the New York Fash­ion Week mad­ness to many celebri­ties. How­ev­er, Kylie Jen­ner, 24 , con­firmed she would not be attend­ing the Met Gala on Mon­day evening. Recent­ly Jen­ner had con­firmed her preg­nan­cy with baby num­ber two with rap­per Travis Scott and attend­ed some New York Fash­ion Week events with her new baby bump.

Jen­ner shared mem­o­ries of her past icon­ic Met Gala red car­pet looks — Bal­main in 2017, Ver­sace in 2017, Alexan­der Wang in 2018 and Ver­sace, again, in 2019 — on her Insta­gram Sto­ry. Jen­ner con­firmed to her fans she wouldn’t be attend­ing the Met Gala by post­ing through her insta­gram sto­ry that: “I’m so sad I could­n’t make it this year 🤍🤍 i can’t wait to see all the looks 🤍🤍,” Jen­ner wrote. A source con­firmed that Jen­ner chose to skip the event of the year due to want­i­ng to focus on her preg­nan­cy and would have been too much stress on her­self to attend. Although Jen­ner was missed at the event, her fam­i­ly was well rep­re­sent­ed with sis­ters Kendall Jen­ner and Kim Kar­dashi­an and mom Kris Jen­ner all turn­ing heads on the red car­pet.

Writ­ten By: Des­ti­nee Mon­drag­on 

2 thoughts on “Kylie Jenner Is Focused On Pregnancy”
  1. I’m glad Kylie is tak­ing the team to focus on her health and the baby. I’m sure it can get over­whelm­ing try­ing to bal­ance her career, men­tal health and Stor­mi.

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