Opti­miz­ing your resume for Appli­cant Track­ing Sys­tems is cru­cial. ATS will elec­tron­i­cal­ly scan your resume, score your qual­ifi­ca­tions based on the descrip­tion for that posi­tion, and rank your appli­ca­tion. Recruiters rely on them to make their screen­ing process more efficient before even phys­i­cal­ly look­ing at your resume. Yes, you read that right. 

Lyn­nette Brew­er-Slaugh­ter of Cas­cade Careers speaks on the impor­tance of resume opti­miza­tion! You can learn more by fol­low­ing Cas­cade Careers on social media https://www.instagram.com/cascadecareers/.
