If you don’t know who fem­i­nist Mar­garet Sloan is, then tune into Hulu’s Mrs. Amer­i­ca on April 15th. If you don’t know who break­out star Bria Samoné Hen­der­son is, then tune into this inter­view with the actress who brought Sloan’s role to life.

In the soon to be hit series, Hen­der­son so extra­or­di­nar­i­ly cap­tures Sloan who was a black, gay, civ­il rights leader and sin­gle moth­er who also edit­ed the fem­i­nist mag­a­zine Ms.

In this exclu­sive Pop­fuzion TV inter­view, Hen­der­son shares both her approach to the role, and the role she believes the show will play in today’s fem­i­nist move­ment.

Blogged By: Malia Dawkins

Pho­to Cred­it: Bob­by Quil­lard (www.quillardinc.com)