Plas­tic is Wack is a com­mu­ni­ty that spe­cial­izes in ocean con­ser­va­tion, with the mis­sion to help our envi­ron­ment thrive for gen­er­a­tions to come. A move­ment of influ­encers, pro­fes­sion­al ath­letes, artists, and more, their goal is to rid the oceans of plas­tic waste and oth­er harm­ful par­ti­cles that are caus­ing harm to marine life. With a tribe of more than 150 vol­un­teers world­wide, they’ve been able to help rid over 200 pounds of waste thus far.
The orga­ni­za­tion is host­ing their annu­al Celebri­ty Trash Off Sun­day, Sep­tem­ber 25, 2022 at Dock­weil­er Beach in Los Ange­les, where teams of spe­cial guest vol­un­teers led by influ­en­tial team cap­tains will go head to head in pick­ing up as much trash as pos­si­ble with the goal to col­lec­tive­ly gath­er over 1,000 pounds of trash. The event will fol­low a beach day par­ty with food, games, DJ and more.
This year, NBA Clip­pers star, Ter­ance Mann will help lead as team cap­tain along­side oth­er influ­en­tial vol­un­teers such as Yes Julez (Influ­encer), Jalil White ( Actor), Frank Mer­cy (Influ­encer), Dan­ny Green (NBA Mem­phis Griz­zlies) Win­nie Stackz (Celebri­ty Styl­ists) and more