Cos­mic Love is a dat­ing show which pre­miered August 12, 2022 on Ama­zon Prime. In this one-of-a-kind social exper­i­ment, four sin­gles, each rep­re­sent­ing an ele­ment of astrol­o­gy (earth, air, water, and fire) are look­ing to the stars to find their match made in heav­en. Among the four showrun­ners, Noel Allen rep­re­sent­ed the water signs being a Pisces him­self, look­ing for his soul­mate. Now among the stars, com­pat­i­bil­i­ty states a like­ly part­ner for a water sign is a Capri­corn, Can­cer, Leo or Tau­rus. Allen decid­ed he want­ed to min­gle and give all signs a fair chance, prov­ing in the end that Jazmine Potts, a Gem­i­ni, was his soul­mate. I was able to catch up with Noel Allen on his expe­ri­ence on the show Cos­mic Love and some insight on what it was like dat­ing with the stars.

Con­grat­u­la­tions on the show Noel! Can you tell us a lit­tle bit about your expe­ri­ence on the show Cos­mic Love?

My expe­ri­ence on Cos­mic Love was actu­al­ly pret­ty inter­est­ing. I went through alot of hous­es, I learned so much more about astrol­o­gy that I actu­al­ly nev­er knew because grow­ing up you hear so much about your horo­scope, and I feel like it was so gen­er­al­ized. Cer­tain things applied to me, cer­tain things did not apply to me, but after being on the show and hav­ing things real­ly bro­ken down for me I came to be a true believ­er of astrol­o­gy.

Did you already know about astrol­o­gy before you got on the show? What made you decide you want­ed to look to the stars to find your true love?

Hon­est­ly, no I did­n’t real­ly know too much about astrol­o­gy. I only knew what I saw pop up on my news feed, or my mom always telling me you need to be with a Vir­go because her life expe­ri­ence she always saw Pisces and Vir­go work well togeth­er. But oth­er than that I didn’t have too much expe­ri­ence about it. At first I was a lit­tle skep­ti­cal about believ­ing in the actu­al astrol­o­gy aspect of it, but I was like you know what, let’s give this a try, why not, it’s some­thing new, some­thing dif­fer­ent. I got offered oth­er real­i­ty TV shows but they did­n’t fit me too well. My mom is into astrol­o­gy and she’s always like Vir­go,  Vir­go, Vir­go! So I was like you know what, let me go see what the stars have for me!

Now that the show is over and based on your expe­ri­ence, would you encour­age oth­ers to date based on astro­log­i­cal signs and com­pat­i­bil­i­ty?

Oh of course! I would def­i­nite­ly encour­age oth­ers to use astrol­o­gy in their own dat­ing life. For me per­son­al­ly, I think they’re spoil­er alerts in there some­times, so I would just rather learn for myself; but if you real­ly don’t have time, espe­cial­ly busy pro­fes­sion­als who are always on the go, it is a great way to find a match with some­one just based on their signs. It’s actu­al­ly real!

In the show you men­tion hav­ing a fear of com­mit­ment and not want­i­ng to set­tle down. What made you decide to take the chance on cos­mic love know­ing that the out­come would be to find your soulmate/marriage?

At first, I was like let’s give this a try. I did­n’t think I would find any­body because we’re only there for five weeks, but real­is­ti­cal­ly think­ing about it, you don’t have your phone or any dis­trac­tions. Twen­ty-four hours just com­mu­ni­cat­ing with each oth­er. I’ve prob­a­bly spent more time with the ladies there than I did with girls I’ve known for years because we could only see each oth­er on week­ends, or here and there. Actu­al­ly being there 24/7 togeth­er you real­ly get to know each oth­er. Also, the astrol­o­gy aspect of it was like legit, spot on!

Your match Jazmine Potts is a Gem­i­ni (air sign) which is most com­pat­i­ble with a fire sign, and water sign (Allen, Pisces) most com­pat­i­ble with earth. Despite these dif­fer­ences, you found your con­nec­tion with an air sign. How did that con­nec­tion come about since air signs/water signs are not known to be com­pat­i­ble?

Our com­pat­i­bil­i­ty came about from being the “odd cou­ple” out of the group, but we fed off each oth­er’s ener­gy. She is very pos­i­tive, very gen­uine, and so giv­ing. I am a giv­ing, pos­i­tive per­son as well. Per­son­al­ly, for me, I have a prob­lem giv­ing too much. I learned in recent years how to take back more than I give out and with her she had the same prob­lem, giv­ing so much she almost had noth­ing left. I felt like if we gave to each oth­er then we would nev­er be emp­ty. Mov­ing for­ward we just vibed and every­thing felt right. Lat­er on in the show, the cham­ber tells us why we’re so com­pat­i­ble. We bring out the best in each oth­er, fam­i­ly-ori­ent­ed, she is sup­posed to push me to get to the next lev­el in my career so for me it just seemed right all at the time.

What was the biggest les­son you learned from his expe­ri­ence being on the show? What advice would you give to your view­ers watch­ing the show?

The biggest les­son that I learned was not any­thing spe­cif­ic to astrol­o­gy, but more so the envi­ron­ment. Dat­ing mul­ti­ple peo­ple at once, being in that sit­u­a­tion. Peo­ple would say it seemed so easy for you, but it was actu­al­ly chal­leng­ing. In that kind of sit­u­a­tion you have dif­fer­ent peo­ples emo­tions involved, so what I’ve learned is that over the years I’ve built up so much self love for myself that I took very good care of myself but that was in my own rou­tine, my own struc­ture, my own sit­u­a­tions in life. Being put out­side that sit­u­a­tion, I could see me crum­bling, and that’s one of the rea­sons why I fell for Jaz so hard because I leaned on her so much that it felt com­fort­able, it felt right. She helped bring me back to the place where I was off the show and I was in my rou­tine and work­ing on myself and I was feel­ing good all the time, so with her there it just made me feel good and helped me get back to the moment. The biggest thing that I learned is that self-love con­stant­ly has to be worked on and con­stant­ly worked towards if you want to have the feel­ing of pos­i­tiv­i­ty and great­ness with­in your­self.

Where did you learn that self-love and growth from?

I have learned it from my past mis­takes. I’ve always want­ed to be bet­ter, and I want too much for myself. I can be my biggest crit­ic despite peo­ple telling me I am doing a great job, but it was one of those things where you have to take a step back and be present in that moment. Of course I am going to get bet­ter as time pro­gress­es, but I have learned to be present and cher­ish and love the way I am right now.

Based on this expe­ri­ence, would you go on anoth­er dat­ing show again or bear your vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty on any TV show again?

Hon­est­ly, I would prob­a­bly do it again. The peo­ple that I’ve got­ten feed­back from that are close to me that I love, they know me very well but they said that was def­i­nite­ly me. Kind of watered down, but that was me being gen­uine, kind, try­ing to be as open to the process as pos­si­ble.

Do you believe being in that group set­ting put more pres­sure on you to find love/ find your soul­mate?

I would­n’t say it put more pres­sure [on me] to find love, I would say it was a lot more dif­fi­cult because of the type of per­son I am. As a giv­ing and lov­ing per­son, I want to make sure every­one around me is hap­py and pros­per­ous but choos­ing one per­son means oth­ers are going to get hurt. You’re try­ing to spread your time out and it makes you won­der am I real­ly doing enough? Am I real­ly giv­ing her a chance? It inflicts on you, but it was def­i­nite­ly a dif­fi­cult sit­u­a­tion. Not to find love, but just see­ing how peo­ple move when they are hurt, when they are not hurt, when they are feel­ing you, when they are not.  It gives you a bet­ter idea of the type of peo­ple you are real­ly around and who you want to be with.

What is your rela­tion­ship with Jaz now? Is mar­riage all it’s hyped up to be?

*Laughs*  No spoil­er alerts! If yall wan­na know what hap­pens after­ward, I’m going to need at least 10K, and a bil­lion views! I’m not giv­ing any tea!

Be sure to binge-watch Cos­mic Love !