Samuel (Stephen Lang) and David (Michael Iskander) in HOUSE OF DAVID S1 Photo Credit: Nikos Nikolopoulos/Prime © Amazon Content Services LLC

There is a new series com­ing to Prime Video in 2025! 

House of David, a new series set to pre­miere on Prime Video on Feb­ru­ary 27, 2025, explores the life of the bib­li­cal fig­ure David, who ris­es to become one of Israel’s most cel­e­brat­ed kings. Direct­ed and writ­ten by Jon Erwin (Jesus Rev­o­lu­tion) and Jon Gunn (Ordi­nary Angels), the series fea­tures a com­pelling cast led by new­com­er Michael Iskan­der, who por­trays David after a four-month inter­na­tion­al search for the role. Iskan­der is known for his recent per­for­mance in the Tony Award-win­ning musi­cal Kim­ber­ly Akim­bo. 

The ensem­ble cast includes Ali Suli­man as King Saul, Ayelet Zur­er as Queen Ahi­noam, Stephen Lang as the prophet Samuel, and Mar­tyn Ford as Goliath. Addi­tion­al cast mem­bers include Indy Lewis as Mychal, Saul’s daugh­ter; Ethan Kai as Jonathan, Saul’s son; and Ashraf Barhom as Doeg, a mys­te­ri­ous Edomite.

Achish (Alexan­der Uloom) in HOUSE OF DAVID S1 Pho­to Cred­it: Jonathan Prime/Prime © Ama­zon Con­tent Ser­vices LLC


The ensem­ble cast includes Ali Suli­man as King Saul, Ayelet Zur­er as Queen Ahi­noam, Stephen Lang as the prophet Samuel, and Mar­tyn Ford as Goliath. Addi­tion­al cast mem­bers include Indy Lewis as Mychal, Saul’s daugh­ter; Ethan Kai as Jonathan, Saul’s son; and Ashraf Barhom as Doeg, a mys­te­ri­ous Edomite.
House of David chron­i­cles the ascent of David against the back­drop of King Saul’s trag­ic decline, dri­ven by pride and jeal­ousy. As Saul’s pow­er wanes, David embarks on a jour­ney filled with love, loss, and vio­lence, ulti­mate­ly nav­i­gat­ing the treach­er­ous court of the very man he is des­tined to replace.


David (Michael Iskan­der) in HOUSE OF DAVID S1 Pho­to Cred­it: Jonathan Prime/Prime © Ama­zon Con­tent Ser­vices LLC
The series is pro­duced by Won­der Project, Ama­zon MGM Stu­dios, Nomadic Pic­tures, Arg­onauts, and King­dom Sto­ry Com­pa­ny, with Lion­s­gate Tele­vi­sion also involved. Exec­u­tive pro­duc­ers include Jon Erwin, Jon Gunn, Jonathan Lloyd Walk­er, and Justin Rosen­blatt, among oth­ers.
With its blend of his­tor­i­cal dra­ma and rich sto­ry­telling, House of David promis­es to cap­ti­vate audi­ences, shed­ding light on a piv­otal moment in bib­li­cal his­to­ry.
For more infor­ma­tion, vis­it Prime Video’s offi­cial web­site.