2 x Super Bowl cham­pi­on, for­mer MVP and Hall of Famer Ter­rell Davis has decid­ed to donate $400,000.00 worth of prod­ucts from his new com­pa­ny Defy, to peo­ple in need dur­ing the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic.

Defy has an incred­i­ble line of sports per­for­mance prod­ucts infused with CBD. Ter­rell him­self said he is an avid user of the prod­ucts in which enabled him to con­tin­ue pain and inflam­ma­tion free work­outs on a dai­ly basis. You can pur­chase Defy prod­ucts by click­ing HERE. Be sure to check out our full con­ver­sa­tion with the leg­end him­self below.