Com­mu­ni­ty activist, entre­pre­neur, and only in 5th grade, Obo­cho Peters, has opened a thrift store for low-income fam­i­lies that sells kids’ clothes for under $10. At just 11 years old, he owns Obocho’s Clos­et in Brook­lyn, New York, pro­vid­ing fash­ion­able and trendy cloth­ing for young­sters at bar­gain prices. Ini­tial­ly start­ing his store online and quick­ly out­grow­ing it, the young fash­ion­ista opened his store­front last year with the help of his GoFundMe page. His goal is help­ing make sure the kids in his com­mu­ni­ty are able to dress their best afford­ably!

The inspi­ra­tion to sell clothes came to Peters when he asked his mom for toys from the Avengers: Infin­i­ty Wars film, and she replied that they could not afford them. He decid­ed to sell his clothes that he no longer wore, and his mom helped him set up his web­site. Orig­i­nal­ly from The Vir­gin Islands and a sin­gle moth­er, she admired her son’s ambi­tion, and encour­aged him to pur­sue his dreams by tak­ing him to busi­ness class­es after school. 

He wrote to Good Morn­ing Amer­i­ca, “I real­ized that oth­er fam­i­lies must face these same chal­lenges when tak­ing care of their chil­dren. That idea turned into the mis­sion I have today — to help the com­mu­ni­ty GROW.” He added, “Inspired by all the superheroes…I want­ed to be a hero myself by help­ing my mom.”

In only 5th grade, the 11 year old not only owns a suc­cess­ful busi­ness, but he is mak­ing a pow­er­ful impact in his com­mu­ni­ty, and spread­ing inspi­ra­tion nation­wide. In one pho­to, Peters pos­es in a pow­der blue and white seer suck­er suit jack­et paired with red pol­ka dot bow tie. In anoth­er, he stands proud­ly in front of Obocho’s Clos­et, show­ing what you can cre­ate from a dream.

Blogged By: Mal­lo­rie Vanghel