LOS ANGELES, CA, March 7, 2020 — Pro­duc­ers of Pop­Fuzion have announced that in one year after its social media debut, the show will be air­ing on cable net­works in select cities in the U.S. expand­ing the view­er­ship to over 2 mil­lion view­ers. The show is cur­rent­ly attract­ing a young mil­len­ni­al audi­ence between the ages of 18–35 and can now be seen on Com­cast, Spec­trum, Ver­i­zon Fios and Cox cable.

Don Ben­jamin stops by Pop­Fuzion TV


Pop­Fuzion fus­es pop cul­ture and char­i­ties. The show fea­tures sto­ries of peo­ple who are exhibit­ing incred­i­ble acts of kind­ness. Air­ing week­ly, the plat­form has con­sis­tent­ly proven to be an influ­encer and able to pro­vide the lat­est up to date pos­i­tive pop cul­ture news. Pop­Fuzion aims to edu­cate, moti­vate, and empow­er mil­len­ni­als through their seg­ments on tech and entre­pre­neur­ship while also reaf­firm­ing the impor­tance of edu­ca­tion and phil­an­thropy, while encour­ag­ing its audi­ence to use their plat­forms for social good.


Dur­ing the first year, the show fea­tured guests such as New Edition’s Ricky Bell, Don Ben­jamin, Apryl Jones and Kat Tat, in addi­tion to inter­views from notable celebri­ties such as Hei­di Klum, Jim­my Kim­mel, Tiffany Had­dish, John Sta­mos, Cee Lo Green, La Toya Jack­son and many oth­ers. The plat­form Pop­Fuzion TV cov­ers red car­pet events, movie pre­mieres, and award shows in and around Los Ange­les, Atlanta and Wash­ing­ton D.C.

The show is air­ing in the fol­low­ing cities:

New Edi­tion’s Ricky Bell and wife Amy Cor­rea Bell
  • Chan­nel 10 on Com­cast cable and Ver­i­zon Fios in the Wash­ing­ton D.C. and north­ern Vir­ginia areas on Mon­days at 11:30 p.m. and Fri­days at 1:00 p.m.
  • Chan­nel 32 on Spec­trum cable and AT&T U‑verse 99 in Los Ange­les on Sat­ur­days at 11:00 p.m. and Tues­days at 11:00 p.m.

  • Chan­nel 30 on AT&T U‑verse in Chica­go Tues­days at 8:00 p.m.
  • Chan­nel 10 on Ver­i­zon Fios in New York on Wednes­days at 3:00 p.m.

Indi­vid­u­als and busi­ness­es who are inter­est­ed in part­ner­ing, please send an inquiry to [email protected].

To keep up with the con­ver­sa­tion and updates, please vis­it www.popfuziontv.com.

For all tal­ent inquiries/submissions please email [email protected]

Pub­lic­i­ty con­tact: Upscale PR / [email protected]