Nashville, TN — Strug­gle Jen­nings, the grand­son of coun­try music leg­ends Way­lon Jen­nings and Jes­si Colter, has carved his own path in the indus­try, blend­ing coun­try, hip-hop, and rock into a raw, authen­tic sound. His music reflects his per­son­al journey—overcoming hard­ships, time behind bars, and find­ing redemp­tion through sto­ry­telling.

His lat­est song, “Only God Knows,” fea­tur­ing his long­time best friend Jel­ly Roll, is a tes­ta­ment to resilience and faith. Their 20-year bond, from the streets of Nashville to the Grand Ole Opry, has been defined by strug­gle and suc­cess. In 2024, Jel­ly Roll invit­ed Jen­nings to make his emo­tion­al Opry debut, a full-cir­cle moment for the artist.

Beyond the music, Jen­nings is mak­ing an impact—whether it’s his “Live From Rik­ers Island” per­for­mance for inmates or his RIAA gold-cer­ti­fied hit “God We Need You Now.” With his fear­less sto­ry­telling and pow­er­ful lyrics, Strug­gle Jen­nings con­tin­ues to inspire and prove that sec­ond chances are pos­si­ble.











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