The star-stud­ded event hap­pened at the Sof­i­tel Los Ange­les at Bev­er­ly Hills with per­for­mances by Lau­ra Mara­no and Jake Miller as well as DJ Tom Macari.

Jake Miller per­forms at the Child­help Hol­ly­wood Heroes Ben­e­fit (Pho­to Cred­it: Vivian Best)

Check out our inter­view with Jake Miller HERE.

Celebri­ties such as Cedric Yarbrough, Chelsea Kane, Jen Lil­ly, Tom Schwartz, Cherie & Sean Faris, Jan Luis Castel­lanos and Ellery Spray­ber­ry attend­ed. Guests learned about how they can sup­port Child­help, the country’s old­est and largest non-prof­it ded­i­cat­ed to treat­ing and pre­vent­ing child abuse, and enough mon­ey was raised to buy a new horse for the chil­dren who reside at the Child­help Merv Grif­fin Vil­lage in Beau­mont, Cal­i­for­nia.

Guests also learned about Thought­ful­ly Gift’s Ini­tia­tive and sipped on Per­oni & Smith Dev­ereux Wine. Child abuse is report­ed every 10 sec­onds in the U.S, and an aver­age of five chil­dren die every sin­gle day in this coun­try as a result of child abuse and neglect. Child­help is the country’s old­est and largest non-prof­it ded­i­cat­ed to the treat­ment and pre­ven­tion of child abuse found­ed near­ly 60 years ago. Child­help has saved over 10 mil­lion kids through their nation­al pro­grams and ser­vices includ­ing a 24-hour Child Abuse Hot­line. Childhelp’s Fos­ter Care & Adop­tion Ser­vices help chil­dren find good long-term match­es to ensure that every child’s future is brighter than their past.