Hey Pop­fuzion fans! Are you ready to start spread­ing some hol­i­day cheer to your loved ones? Check out these all-new gift box­es from Char­lot­te’s Web. These “UNDER $200.00” gift sets offer “inner peace in a box”. Let’s face it, after this year, who doesn’t need some calm­ness!!

The set includes the calm set, the sleep set, the recov­ery set and even the all-new cou­ples set prov­ing that YES there real­ly is, some­thing for every­one.

These hol­i­day gift box­es are incred­i­ble. They are per­fect to include in your every­day stress-relat­ed sto­ries, gift­ing round ups, and gen­er­al well­ness gift sto­ries as well. With the New Year com­ing, this is also a great gift to send to your loved ones and even for Valentine’s day.

These gift box­es are tru­ly a gift that can set the tone for 2021 for those you care about. All box­es will be retail­ing online at charlottesweb.com.

Calm Gift Set — start­ing at $164.97

Get calm this hol­i­day sea­son. The Calm Gift Set sup­ports every­day stress­es, but we like to think of it as spread­ing peace and relax­ation for the hol­i­days. A botan­i­cal blend of lemon balm and Charlotte’s Web hemp extract in the tasty Calm gum­mies plus the high con­cen­tra­tion 60mg CBD oil will ease win­ter days and nights. Add a hemp-infused roll-on to take well­ness one step fur­ther with aro­mather­a­py self-care.

Sleep Gift Set start­ing at $164.97

Enjoy silent nights this win­ter with Char­lot­te’s Web Sleep Gift Set. Their Sleep Gum­mies include the renowned nat­ur­al sleep­ing aid mela­tonin and Char­lot­te’s Web full-spec­trum hemp extract with CBD. This nat­ur­al blend will sup­port sound and reg­u­lar sleep­ing cycles dur­ing this hol­i­day sea­son — per­fect for a loved one ready for qual­i­ty sleep.

Recov­ery Gift Set start­ing at $164.97

Weave CBD-sup­port­ed well­ness into your dai­ly work­out rou­tine this sea­son with the hol­i­day Recov­ery Gift Set. Charlotte’s Web Recov­ery Gum­mies are for­mu­lat­ed with a botan­i­cal blend of gin­ger, turmer­ic, and our pro­pri­etary, whole-plant hemp extract with CBD to sup­port exer­cise-induced inflam­ma­tion. The set also includes our hemp-infused Balm or Balm Stick, with new and fresh ingre­di­ents from Moth­er Nature, plus with an essen­tial oil aro­mather­a­py roll-on designed to ease what­ev­er the day throws your way.

Cou­ples Gift Set start­ing at $144.97

Relax under the mistle­toe with your hon­ey with the hol­i­day Cou­ple’s Gift Set. Enjoy a bun­dle of peace and calm togeth­er this hol­i­day sea­son with the best Moth­er Nature offers. Char­lot­te’s Web CBD gum­mies, CBD oil, CBD cream, and CBD Balm will leave you feel­ing rest­ed and renewed togeth­er this sea­son.


Char­lot­te’s Web Hold­ings, Inc., head­quar­tered in Boul­der, Colo., is the mar­ket leader in the pro­duc­tion and dis­tri­b­u­tion of inno­v­a­tive hemp-derived cannabid­i­ol (“CBD”) well­ness prod­ucts. The com­pa­ny was found­ed by the Stan­ley Broth­ers with a mis­sion to unleash the heal­ing pow­ers of botan­i­cals with com­pas­sion and sci­ence, ben­e­fit­ting the plan­et and all who live upon it. The Com­pa­ny’s pre­mi­um qual­i­ty prod­ucts start with pro­pri­etary hemp genet­ics that are respon­si­bly man­u­fac­tured into hemp-derived CBD extracts nat­u­ral­ly con­tain­ing a full spec­trum of phy­to­cannabi­noids, includ­ing CBD, ter­penes, flavonoids and oth­er ben­e­fi­cial hemp com­pounds.  Char­lot­te’s Web prod­uct cat­e­gories include CBD Oil tinc­tures (liq­uid prod­ucts), CBD cap­sules, CBD top­i­cals, as well as CBD pet prod­ucts.  Char­lot­te’s Web hemp-derived CBD extracts are sold through select dis­trib­u­tors, more than 21,000 brick and mor­tar retail­ers, and online.

 All box­es will be retail­ing online at charlottesweb.com.