LAS VEGAS, Neva­da (POPFUZION TV) — We are kick­ing off Black His­to­ry Month with a smile, lit­er­al­ly.

Meet the first African Amer­i­can woman who is cre­at­ing diver­si­ty in the tooth­brush mar­ket by a cus­tom tooth­brush line, OUR REFLECTIONS, which is as bril­liant as its name. 

The CEO/Founder Elno­ra Har­ris decid­ed to cre­ate these unique tooth­brush­es to help chil­dren of col­or have a prod­uct that they could relate to and was rep­re­sen­ta­tion­al of their com­mu­ni­ty.

Each tooth­brush is designed with an affir­ma­tion to encour­age kids to remain pos­i­tive through­out their day and the reac­tion from chil­dren and par­ents has been noth­ing but pure joy!

Take a look at our inter­view with Elno­ra below.