Suzan Nguyen is the epit­o­me of strength and per­se­ver­ance. At the mere age of 22, she faced a trag­ic car acci­dent where her right arm was ampu­tat­ed. Not only did she have to deal with this hard­ship of her body and health, but she also had to endure the pain at an ear­ly age when she was just embark­ing on the jour­ney of the rest of her life.


As the say­ing goes, how­ev­er, every­thing hap­pens for a rea­son. Suzan trans­formed the neg­a­tive into a pos­i­tive, empow­er­ing her­self and those around her. Pub­lish­ing her book in April, One One Arm But Not Unarmed, the author and moti­va­tion­al speak­er already has copies sold across the globe and in stores includ­ing Barnes and Nobles, Wal­mart and eBay. She told Pop­Fuzion, “This book has been a plat­form to share my mes­sage. I’ve been through pain, and for­tu­nate­ly, I was able to heal by con­fronting and embrac­ing the pain.”

 At the time of the acci­dent, when Suzan was eject­ed from the wind­shield of her car, 50 feet away, all she felt was numb­ness. She was in com­plete shock – speech­less — with the only thing vis­i­ble for her was a bright light.

The same light, which after time and tri­als, she used to wound her­self. “Once I was able to be open, raw and vul­ner­a­ble about my expe­ri­ence, it became bet­ter,” Suzan admit­ted. “It was some­thing I need­ed to go through to get to where I’m at now.”

Suzan also decid­ed to not wear a pros­thet­ic arm any longer, and she hasn’t gone back. She recount­ed to Pop­Fuzion, “I met my hus­band after my car acci­dent, and he built up the nerve to ask why I con­tin­ued to wear it giv­en how uncom­fort­able I was in it. So I asked myself, ‘why am I wear­ing it? For oth­ers, or for me?’” Suzan decid­ed it was noth­ing but a phys­i­cal scar that would not hold her back any longer and define who she tru­ly is.

“Allow peo­ple to be there for you,” Suzan advised. “I iso­lat­ed myself, feel­ing like I was alone, and that slowed me down. As soon as I shared my feel­ings, all that changed. Look with­in, rec­og­nize and embrace the pain. That’s the only way to get through it.” 

Suzan speaks to audi­ences across the nation about her jour­ney and helps uplift oth­ers out of dark­ness. Her book is avail­able on Ama­zon and in select stores.

Be sure to lis­ten to our exclu­sive inter­view with Suzan below.

Writ­ten By: Kani­ka Lal