1. Con­grats on ShaeRow­eLA! Tell us what inspired you to start the blog and what is the over­all blog mis­sion?

Thank you so much! I want­ed to start a blog because I want­ed a space of my own to express myself through my love for fash­ion, make­up, and beau­ty. I also want­ed a space where I could just share my life and thoughts as well. Before I cre­at­ed my blog, I sort of shared how I did my make­up and hair a lot on Insta­gram. I’ve always liked to fig­ure out how to do my own make­up, wigs, braids, what­ev­er! The response I got from friends and peo­ple who fol­lowed me was incred­i­bly pos­i­tive and inspir­ing, which made me want to expand what I was already doing, and real­ly focus on mak­ing a brand out of my cre­ative endeav­ors. That’s how ShaeRow­eLA was born. My blogs mis­sion is to share my love for fash­ion, hair, and beau­ty, while show­ing peo­ple how I’m able to achieve the looks I cre­ate. I also want to share my life in LA and build a pos­i­tive com­mu­ni­ty of like-mind­ed peo­ple who love to dream and slay lol. 

2. We all want to look cute on a bud­get; what is your num­ber one tip in doing that when it comes to fash­ion and make­up?

Know what look you’re try­ing to cre­ate. I think hav­ing focus on what look you’re going for will make it eas­i­er to find what you need to cre­ate it… and not waste mon­ey in the process (pin­ter­est is resource for style inspi­ra­tion). Once you know what look you’re going for, you can start to look for the pieces you need to cre­ate it that are with­in your bud­get. Some­times I’ll lit­er­al­ly just google what I want (for exam­ple: “light blue trousers”) and see what I can find with­in my bud­get. Usu­al­ly I can find what I’m look­ing for, for a great price, and some­times I find new retail­ers to shop at in the future which is always great! Be sure to check for online sales at your favorite retail­ers as well, and also check the “sales” or “out­let” sec­tions for pieces as well. Also, make sure you sign up and sub­scribe to some of your favorite fash­ion retail­ers online, that way you’ll receive emails/notifications when­ev­er they are hav­ing a sale! In terms of make­up, youtube is one of the best resources for find­ing the best drugstore/affordable make­up for any skin tone/type. I spent COUNTLESS hours on youtube try­ing to find afford­able make­up when I first began learn­ing how to do my own make­up. There are also awe­some afford­able brands like Colour­pop, BH Cos­met­ics, and Mor­phe Cos­met­ics, that def­i­nite­ly have fan­tas­tic make­up com­pa­ra­ble to high­er-end brands. 

3. For peo­ple who can’t afford a pro­fes­sion­al make­up artist to apply their make­up, how do you sug­gest peo­ple learn?

YouTube, prac­tice, prac­tice, and more Youtube lol. Watch­ing YouTube was essen­tial­ly how I learned to apply my make­up and there are SO MANY tuto­ri­als out there that can help you learn pret­ty much any­thing. How­ev­er, as much as you may watch, you have to actu­al­ly prac­tice putting your make­up on and attempt­ing to try dif­fer­ent looks…and don’t get dis­cour­aged if it doesn’t come out right the first time (or first 5 times lol). The more you prac­tice the bet­ter you’ll get at apply­ing your make­up :)! 

4. How do you acces­sorize your out­fits? Can we acces­sorize on a bud­get too?

My favorite acces­sories are bags, sun­glass­es, and ear­rings! I love to acces­sorize, and you can def­i­nite­ly do so on a bud­get. Again, look­ing out for sales is always key, how­ev­er hit­ting the thrift stores is also a great, and fun way to acces­sorize an out­fit while sav­ing mon­ey. I love using acces­sories to empha­size accent col­ors in my out­fit, or intro­duce an accent col­or. I feel like my acces­sories real­ly tie the whole look togeth­er some­times and makes them even more unique which I LOVE.

5. To date, what is your best #ShaeRow­eLA fash­ion look that has got­ten the most social media love and blog hits? Can we see the pic?

Hmmm…. I’d have to say my dou­ble-den­im look is prob­a­bly my per­son­al best and over­all favorite look on my blog/social media at the moment :)…and OF COURSE you can see the pics!! 

6. Where do you see ShaeRow­eLA in the next 3–5 years?

In 3–5 years I’d love to see ShaeRow­eLA fea­tured in mag­a­zines (maybe as a con­trib­u­tor :)) and mak­ing my way to YouTube/TV! I def­i­nite­ly want to show­case ShaeRow­eLA on wider plat­forms and grow my audi­ence and brand. I want ShaeRow­eLA to be a go to resource for any­one look­ing for fash­ion and beau­ty inspi­ra­tion. I def­i­nite­ly see myself, my looks, and my brand grow­ing in cre­ativ­i­ty, influ­ence, and skills! I want to con­tin­ue to learn and make ShaeRow­eLA the best it can be! 

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