As the week­end approach­es, movie enthu­si­asts are in for a treat with a line­up of thrilling new releas­es. Whether you’re plan­ning a trip to the the­ater or a cozy night in, here are some films to add to your watch list.

Kick­ing off the week­end is the chill­ing thriller Com­pan­ion, fea­tur­ing Sophie Thatch­er in a grip­ping role. This sus­pense­ful film promis­es unex­pect­ed twists and is cur­rent­ly play­ing in the­aters, mak­ing it a must-see for fans of the genre.

For those who pre­fer a heart­felt sto­ry, Love Me is set to cap­ti­vate audi­ences start­ing this week­end. Star­ring Kris­ten Stew­art and Steven Yeun, this roman­tic dra­ma explores themes of love, loss, and con­nec­tion, offer­ing a poignant expe­ri­ence for view­ers.

If laugh­ter is what you’re after, look no fur­ther than You’re Cor­dial­ly Invit­ed, which is now stream­ing on Prime Video. This com­e­dy unfolds the chaot­ic events that arise when two wed­dings are dou­ble-booked at the same venue. With a star-stud­ded cast includ­ing Reese With­er­spoon and Will Fer­rell, it’s the per­fect film for a fun movie night at home.

As the week­end unfolds, these films are sure to pro­vide enter­tain­ment for all tastes. Movie­go­ers and stream­ers alike are encour­aged to share their thoughts on these picks as they set­tle in for a week­end of cin­e­mat­ic enjoy­ment. Hap­py watch­ing!