Hey Pop­fuzion fans! You know we love a good news sto­ry about our young peo­ple giv­ing back. On Sat­ur­day, June 26, 2021, inter­na­tion­al change mak­ers, who have been rec­og­nized for their award win­ning non­prof­it orga­ni­za­tions, Khloe Thomp­son of Khloe Kares and Jahk­il Jack­son of Project I Am host­ed an exclu­sive Sum­mer kick off give­back event where young celebri­ties, influ­encers and phil­an­thropists joined togeth­er to help pack bless­ing bags to pro­vide sup­plies for 250 home­less indi­vid­u­als in need through­out LA.

Atten­dees includ­ed the viral young black CEO and influ­encer, Kheris Rogers, Actress Mychal Bel­la, ABC Actress Jor­dyn Curet, Jour­ney Chris­tine, amongst many oth­ers. The event took place at Hol­ly­wood’s infa­mous venue, The Par­lor, where youth from 6 years old and old­er cel­e­brat­ed being able to reunite and make a dif­fer­ence togeth­er.

Pho­to Cred: @trinityw11