LOS ANGELES, CA — Ris­ing bas­ket­ball star Angel Reese is mak­ing head­lines off the court as reports sug­gest she is in nego­ti­a­tions to secure a lucra­tive deal with the pop­u­lar can­dy brand Reese’s. The tal­ent­ed for­ward, known for her impres­sive skills on the court, is now set to show­case her star pow­er in the world of brand part­ner­ships.

Sources close to the nego­ti­a­tions reveal that Reese’s is eager to col­lab­o­rate with Angel Reese to pro­mote their icon­ic peanut but­ter cups to a younger demo­graph­ic. With her strong pres­ence on social media and grow­ing influ­ence in the sports world, Reese is seen as the per­fect ambas­sador to con­nect with fans in a fresh and engag­ing way.

Fans of both Angel Reese and Reese’s are buzzing with excite­ment over the poten­tial part­ner­ship, eager­ly antic­i­pat­ing what cre­ative projects and cam­paigns may come from this col­lab­o­ra­tion. As details con­tin­ue to unfold, one thing is cer­tain — Angel Reese’s star is on the rise, both on and off the bas­ket­ball court.