One of our favorite cou­ples, Cia­ra and Rus­sell Wil­son are help­ing to fund a char­ter school in Seat­tle, Wash­ing­ton! The super­star cou­ple are donat­ing $1.75 mil­lion to sup­port an incred­i­ble cause. The funds will go to rebrand an exist­ing char­ter pro­gram known as Cas­cade Mid­way Acad­e­my, which was set to debut this year before the pan­dem­ic.

“We’ve always held the belief that life’s suc­cess­es start with a good edu­ca­tion, but recog­nise that access isn’t always cre­at­ed equal­ly for all,” the cou­ple shared in a state­ment.