LOS ANGELES, CA — The city of Los Ange­les has teamed up with the Paula Kent Mee­han Pet Care Foun­da­tion for a month-long adop­tion event aimed at find­ing lov­ing homes for pets in need. The Big­gies and Meow-Meows Adop­tion event, run­ning through July 31, offers reduced adop­tion fees for dogs and cats at the city’s six ani­mal shel­ters, encour­ag­ing res­i­dents to open their hearts and homes to fur­ry com­pan­ions.

With adop­tion fees as low as $51 for dogs over 40 pounds, $75 for pup­pies, $12.50 for cats, and $25 for kit­tens, the event makes it eas­i­er for poten­tial pet own­ers to wel­come a new four-legged friend into their lives. Staycee Dains, gen­er­al man­ag­er for the Depart­ment of Ani­mal Ser­vices, empha­sized the col­lab­o­ra­tive effort required to find homes for the ani­mals in their care, high­light­ing the impor­tance of com­mu­ni­ty sup­port in address­ing shel­ter over­crowd­ing.

Pets adopt­ed from LA Ani­mal Ser­vices come ful­ly equipped with essen­tial care, includ­ing spay­ing or neu­ter­ing, vac­ci­na­tions, licens­ing, and microchip­ping. Addi­tion­al­ly, adopters receive valu­able resources such as dis­counts from Pet­co, a VCA Healthy Start Cer­tifi­cate for vet­eri­nary care, and a com­pli­men­ta­ry dog or cat bed donat­ed by Chewy and Greater Good Char­i­ties.

Bill Crowe, direc­tor of The Paula Kent Mee­han Pet Care Foun­da­tion, empha­sized the life-sav­ing impact of pet adop­tion, urg­ing indi­vid­u­als to con­sid­er giv­ing a for­ev­er home to a deserv­ing ani­mal. By par­tic­i­pat­ing in this adop­tion event, res­i­dents not only gain a loy­al com­pan­ion but also con­tribute to free­ing up space in city shel­ters for ani­mals in need of refuge.

The ini­tia­tive not only pro­motes the well-being of indi­vid­ual pets but also under­scores the broad­er ben­e­fits of pet adop­tion for the com­mu­ni­ty at large. As fam­i­lies wel­come these ani­mals into their homes, they are fos­ter­ing a cul­ture of com­pas­sion, respon­si­bil­i­ty, and com­pan­ion­ship that extends beyond the shel­ter walls.