Clarence Nero is tru­ly unsung hero. Clarence is the founder of the Bay­ou Soul Youth Lit­er­ary Con­fer­ence which cre­ates oppor­tu­ni­ties that extend to high school stu­dents all over the world and aims to pro­mote read­ing, lit­er­a­cy and edu­ca­tion with the inten­tion to bring youth clos­er to the arts, apart from offer­ing valu­able infor­ma­tion about col­lege and trades.

 The event fea­tures celebri­ties every year and this year it’s vir­tu­al! A few names attached to this year’s con­fer­ence are Lam­man Ruck­er, Toya John­son, Regi­nae Carter and many more.

Be sure to reg­is­ter for this incred­i­ble vir­tu­al con­fer­ence as this year’s theme is “Heal­ing Through Sto­ry­telling”, and we’ve got to say that it could­n’t be more time­ly giv­en the cir­cum­stances of 2020!!

Check out some pho­tos from this incred­i­ble annu­al event & be sure to watch our con­ver­sa­tion with the founder Clarence Nero in the video below.

For more infor­ma­tion about the vir­tu­al con­fer­ence this year, the offi­cial web­site is HERE. 

Lam­man Ruck­er, May­or Broome, Maya Angelou’s niece Sabum­ni Woods and founder Clarence Nero with the con­tes­tants and win­ners for the Maya Angelou Writ­ing con­test.
Lam­man Ruck­er, singer Jason War­rior, actress Nicole Porche, actor Lance Gross, Toya John­son, & Skye Dako­ta.
Check out the win­ners of the Maya Angelou con­test with May­or Broome and founder of the Bay­ou Soul Youth Lit­er­ary Con­fer­ence, Clarence Nero.
Lam­man Ruck­er, Dan­ny Glover Chan­cel­lor Willie E. Smith, and Clarence Nero.