Vet­er­an actress Karen Mali­na White returns as the voice of ‘Dijon­ay Jones’ in the revival of the high­ly-pop­u­lar Dis­ney ani­mat­ed series “The Proud Fam­i­ly: Loud­er and Proud­er” which pre­miered on Dis­ney+ on Feb­ru­ary 23, 2021. A con­tin­u­a­tion of the acclaimed series, the show fol­lows the adven­tures and mis­ad­ven­tures of new­ly 14-year old Pen­ny Proud (Kyla Pratt) and her Proud Fam­i­ly as they nav­i­gate mod­ern life in the 2020’s with hilar­i­ty and heart. Pen­ny tries to gain her inde­pen­dence fac­ing typ­i­cal teenage expe­ri­ences in junior high. With the help of her par­ents, Trudy and Oscar, her grand­ma, Sug­ar Mama, and her friends Dijon­ay, LaC­i­ene­ga, Zoey and Michael, in addi­tion to some new char­ac­ters, Pen­ny faces all sorts of com­i­cal events. The series has big-hit­ter guest roles from Liz­zo, Lil Nax X, Chance the Rap­per, Nor­mani, Leslie Odom Jr., Gabrielle Union, and many more. White will also appear in Netflix’s upcom­ing lim­it­ed series “Mon­ster: The Jef­frey Dah­mer Sto­ry” by Ryan Mur­phy in addi­tion to BET+’s new TV series “Bruh” by Tyler Per­ry in spring 2022.

Inter­viewed By: Tay­lor Knight