Veteran actress Karen Malina White returns as the voice of ‘Dijonay Jones’ in the revival of the highly-popular Disney animated series “The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder” which premiered on Disney+ on February 23, 2021. A continuation of the acclaimed series, the show follows the adventures and misadventures of newly 14-year old Penny Proud (Kyla Pratt) and her Proud Family as they navigate modern life in the 2020’s with hilarity and heart. Penny tries to gain her independence facing typical teenage experiences in junior high. With the help of her parents, Trudy and Oscar, her grandma, Sugar Mama, and her friends Dijonay, LaCienega, Zoey and Michael, in addition to some new characters, Penny faces all sorts of comical events. The series has big-hitter guest roles from Lizzo, Lil Nax X, Chance the Rapper, Normani, Leslie Odom Jr., Gabrielle Union, and many more. White will also appear in Netflix’s upcoming limited series “Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story” by Ryan Murphy in addition to BET+’s new TV series “Bruh” by Tyler Perry in spring 2022.
Interviewed By: Taylor Knight