Mas­ter­card cham­pi­oned women and their ideas this week­end at Cre­ate & Cul­ti­vate Los Ange­les.

As a pre­sent­ing spon­sor for Cre­ate & Cul­ti­vate, the brand’s head of Small Busi­ness, Gin­ger Siegel, spoke on a pan­el on Sat­ur­day with an impres­sive group of female entre­pre­neurs to dis­cuss rais­ing mon­ey for their busi­ness­es, among many oth­er things. Gin­ger also par­tic­i­pat­ed in a men­tor pow­er hour to help give young entre­pre­neurs a guid­ing light where they need it most.


What an amaz­ing group and of course Jes­si­ca Simp­son was a keynote speak­er on Sat­ur­day Morn­ing!

Pho­to Cred­it: Christop­er Polk for Mas­ter­card