1. Con­grats on Brand New Trav­els!! Tell us what inspired you to start Brand New Trav­els and what can we find on the site?

Thank you Pop­Fuzion TV for hav­ing me! I have always been adven­tur­ous. I’ve always want­ed to see every­thing the world has to offer. I remem­ber learn­ing about the Sev­en Won­ders of the World and want­i­ng to see all of them. I trav­eled some as a child, but my trav­els nev­er took me out of the US until I was an adult. I start­ed Brand New Trav­els to help peo­ple get out of com­fort zone and open their minds to new cul­tures and new adven­tures.

2. We all want to trav­el the world on a bud­get! What is your # 1 cost friend­ly trav­el tip for begin­ner trav­el­ers who would like to trav­el out­side of the Unit­ed States?

Plan ahead! It’s impor­tant to do your home­work on any place you’re look­ing to vis­it. If trav­el­ing out­side of the US, give your­self at least a 3‑month cush­ion for flights and 14 days for domes­tic. Also, be mind­ful to know how far your hotel is from the air­port. This will help you plan your com­mute in case your hotel doesn’t have a com­pli­men­ta­ry shut­tle to and from the air­port.

3. For peo­ple who can’t afford to trav­el on an inter­na­tion­al lev­el, where are some exot­ic close by places in… or very close to the Unit­ed States?

Many peo­ple believe trav­el­ling inter­na­tion­al­ly has to be expen­sive. The truth is it doesn’t have to be. Hon­est­ly, I would sug­gest going on a cruise. Cruis­es gives you the most bang for your buck. They are very fam­i­ly friend­ly. It also allows you to vis­it var­i­ous cities & islands, enjoy buf­fets, com­e­dy clubs, danc­ing, and a mul­ti­tude of onboard activ­i­ties.

4. In addi­tion to cost effec­tive trav­el tips, what about safe­ty? Is there any­thing we should look out for in par­tic­u­lar before trav­el­ing out of the coun­try or any­thing we should be pre­pared for such as hav­ing a pass­port?

Always keep your pass­port up to date. In fact, you should have at least a 6‑month cush­ion from your sched­uled return date. It’s also imper­a­tive to remain in con­trol of your pass­port when trav­el­ing abroad. Also, be sure to sign up for the Smart Trav­el­er Enroll­ment Pro­gram (STEP) at https://step.state.gov to be informed about the near­est U.S. Embassy and stay abreast of any trav­el advi­sories.

5. We know you have trav­eled around the world but what has been your favorite trip to date and why? Can we see some pho­tos?

Egypt, with­out even think­ing about it. I went to Egypt back in 2018, and I was lit­er­al­ly in awe from the time I stepped off of the plane. This has always been very high on my buck­et list and it didn’t dis­ap­point. From see­ing the pyra­mids, the Sphinx, the Egypt­ian muse­um to just meet­ing the peo­ple and expe­ri­enc­ing their cul­ture, it was tru­ly an expe­ri­ence I will nev­er for­get. I enjoyed it so much, I decid­ed to take a tour back with me in March 2020. Every­one should expe­ri­ence Egypt at least once in their life­time.

6. Where do you see Brand New Trav­els in the next 3–5 years?

Right now, we’re in the midst of growth. We have also brought on part­ners, like Cat­a­lyst 4 Change Trav­el (C4C Trav­el), to help every­one #SeeThe­World and enjoy new expe­ri­ences. We have sev­er­al tours lined up for 2020, includ­ing Egypt, Barcelona, Dubai, and a few cruis­es, one being our annu­al cruise in April. We’ve already began work­ing on new excur­sions for 2021 and 2022.

7. What are the top 3 places to trav­el in 2020 and why?

Dubai, with its man-made islands and shop­ping malls, will always be a fan favorite as a hot spot des­ti­na­tion. Start­ing in Octo­ber, Dubai will be a host of a 6‑month long expo fea­tur­ing food, art, cul­ture, and per­for­mances from around the world. Tokyo is a place rich with cul­ture and cui­sine. From July 24th – August 9th, Tokyo will play host to the Sum­mer Olympics. And I’d be remiss if I didn’t sug­gest going on a cruise in 2020. Cruis­es allow you to see the world from a dif­fer­ent per­spec­tive while tak­ing a lot of the guess­work out of it.



Brand New Trav­els


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