Ricky Bell and his beau­ti­ful wife Amy Cor­rea Bell, are giv­ing us some seri­ous rela­tion­ship goals vibes in their new video Gold, direct­ed by the beau­ti­ful and incred­i­bly tal­ent­ed Mea­gan Good. Gold is sure­ly anoth­er dance-wor­thy hit song for the leg­endary Ricky Bell to add to his already lengthy reper­toire. In case you’ve been sleep­ing under a rock for the past 30+ years, allow me to give you a quick run­down on the leg­endary Ricky Bell. Bell is a part of not one but two leg­endary groups: New Edi­tion and Bell Biv Devoe with hits span­ning decades. He is not only an insane­ly tal­ent­ed mem­ber of two of the most accom­plished R&B groups of all time, he is an accom­plished solo artist as well. His new hit sin­gle Gold with wife Amy Cor­rea Bell, not only show­cas­es their incred­i­ble tal­ent, but their beau­ti­ful mar­riage. The music video is absolute­ly beau­ti­ful and the love between these two absolute­ly shines through and cre­ates an incred­i­bly sexy video. One can eas­i­ly see that after over a decade of mar­riage, their love and pas­sion for one anoth­er runs very deep. The most amaz­ing part of this sin­gle is not sim­ply the com­bined tal­ents of Ricky and Amy Cor­rea Bell, but the char­i­ta­ble efforts that lie behind the hit sin­gle. 100% of the pro­ceeds from the single’s sales, will go to an orga­ni­za­tion called Direct Relief.

Direct Relief is a char­i­ty that pro­vides med­ical resources to poor areas around the world. DIrect Relief’s med­ical assis­tance pro­grams sup­plies med­ical pro­fes­sion­als work­ing in pover­ty strick­en areas with lit­tle to no access to med­ical resources, with the resources nec­es­sary to diag­nose, treat, and care for peo­ple regard­less of their back­grounds. Direct Relief focus­es on mater­nal and child health, dis­ease pre­ven­tion and treat­ment, emer­gency pre­pared­ness and response, as well as strength­en­ing health sys­tems. This organization’s work to pro­vide impov­er­ished areas with very nec­es­sary med­ical treat­ment and resources is incred­i­bly admirable, and it’s no won­der Ricky and Amy Cor­rea Bell have decid­ed to sup­port Direct Relief in such an incred­i­ble way. Not only do we have the plea­sure of enjoy­ing a very sexy hit sin­gle from the Bell’s, we can sup­port an amaz­ing orga­ni­za­tion too! Be sure to watch Ricky Bell and Amy Cor­rea Bell’s super hot music video for Gold REMIX HERE. This song is too hot not to be on your Sum­mer 18’ playlist!!! 

Blogged By: Shae Rowe