Hav­ing your dai­ly life filmed for real­i­ty tele­vi­sion is pret­ty tough! Now imag­ine being preg­nant and on a real­i­ty show. Ash­ley Dar­by from The Real House­wives of Potomac, is brave enough to share her jour­ney to moth­er­hood on the series. We had the amaz­ing oppor­tu­ni­ty to chat with Dar­by about her preg­nan­cy and more! Lis­ten to our inter­view by click­ing HERE.

Dar­by, a coura­geous spir­it, has pas­sion­ate­ly shared her expe­ri­ences with the world through­out the pre­vi­ous sea­sons of RHOP. As doc­u­ment­ed on the show, Dar­by and her hus­band Michael became preg­nant, but unfor­tu­nate­ly suf­fered a mis­car­riage. After con­sult­ing with her doc­tors, Dar­by took a holis­tic East­ern med­i­cine approach where she was able to safe­ly con­ceive and is now cur­rent­ly expect­ing “Baby ‘D’”. “I’m look­ing for­ward to being able to sniff the baby’s neck, and just know­ing that this being grew inside of me…”, Dar­by excit­ed­ly shared.

Dar­by is also known from her pageant days as she was crowned Miss Dis­trict of Colum­bia in 2011 and went on to com­pete in the Miss Amer­i­ca pageant in 2012. Though, she’s def­i­nite­ly more than just a pret­ty face; Dar­by is a suc­cess­ful busi­ness own­er who also finds time to give back. She expressed her grat­i­tude for the Miss Amer­i­ca orga­ni­za­tion for teach­ing her about ser­vice and youth entre­pre­neur­ship.

“I real­ly want to rein­vest, and use this plat­form to help the next gen­er­a­tion because they real­ly are our future.”, said Dar­by. As part­ners with the Dreams for Kids orga­ni­za­tion, Dar­by teach­es yoga to chil­dren with dis­abil­i­ties and inner city youth. The orga­ni­za­tion focus­es on train­ing and men­tor­ing youth as social entre­pre­neurs, pro­vid­ing prac­ti­cal edu­ca­tion, and real world train­ing as they cre­ate enter­pris­es that pro­vide solu­tions to society’s crit­i­cal social issues.


Major­i­ty believe that real­i­ty tv shows are just script­ed dra­mas, but Dar­by says dif­fer­ent­ly. “This is real­ly my life, every­thing I go through is my life, no one can script that.”, Dar­by men­tioned. While it may be hard to bal­ance a new baby, mar­riage, busi­ness and being cast­ed on a real­i­ty series, Dar­by thanks her sup­port sys­tem for mak­ing it a bit eas­i­er. You can expect to see more excit­ing moments of Darby’s life on this sea­son of The Real House­wives of Potomac!


Fol­low Ashley’s amaz­ing jour­ney to moth­er­hood on her Insta­gram


Blogged By: Cor­nelia Nichol­son 

Be sure to check out the audio ver­sion of our inter­view with Ash­ley below: