You’ve seen him in Coach Carter, One-on-One, Cousin Skeeter and count­less oth­er out­stand­ing roles. Robert Ri’chard start­ed his act­ing career at the young age of 13, per­fect­ing his craft through tele­vi­sion, action films, and his­tor­i­cal dra­mas.

He’s shared the screen with Oprah, For­est Whitak­er, Samuel L. Jack­son and John Tra­vol­ta, just to name a few. From play­ing the role of the hand­some best friend to the son of an aca­d­e­m­ic-dri­ven bas­ket­ball coach, his tal­ent is lim­it­less. Ri’chard’s most recent role as a south­ern jazz clar­inetist from New Orleans in the movie Bold­en is anoth­er dis­play of his abil­i­ty to leave the audi­ence in awe.

Ri’chard is not only an Emmy win­ning actor, but a stew­ard for soci­etal change and cul­ture enrich­ment. Ri’chard’s social-health ini­tia­tive led him to cre­ate High­way­Fit, quick, low-inten­si­ty work­outs designed to enhance well­ness for all body types and it’s com­plete­ly free. With the goal of build­ing a fit con­scious com­mu­ni­ty through pos­i­tive health prac­tices, he has received acknowl­edge­ments from Amer­i­Health Car­i­tas, Wash­ing­ton DC, and BET. We were so for­tu­nate to have him as a guest on our talk show Pop­Fuzion.

It doesn’t stop there, his com­mu­ni­ty work goes beyond High­way­Fit. Part­ner­ing with the Nation­al African Amer­i­can Male Well­ness Ini­tia­tive, also referred to as AAWALK-Atlanta, Ri’chard has been announced as the hon­orary chair and nation­al ambas­sador. AAWALK’s pur­pose is to empow­er African Amer­i­can men and fam­i­lies with edu­ca­tion about their phys­i­cal, men­tal and finan­cial health. Ri’chard and AAWALK have teamed up to keep African Amer­i­can fam­i­lies healthy, active and to raise aware­ness of pre­ventable dis­eases.

The nation­al asso­ci­a­tion will be host­ing 5K runs in mul­ti­ple cities includ­ing New Orleans, Atlanta and Cleve­land, this year. Addi­tion­al free ser­vices will be offered dur­ing the run, such as job oppor­tu­ni­ties, finan­cial ser­vices and health screen­ings for prostate, HIV, blood pres­sure and more.

Ri’chard will con­tin­ue his suc­cess with­in the Health and Well­ness com­mu­ni­ty and mak­ing strides to enhance fam­i­lies’ views on health, fit­ness and nutri­tion through his ambas­sador­ship with the Nation­al African Amer­i­can Male Well­ness Ini­tia­tive.