Jer­maine Dupri has worked with some of the most pop­u­lar artists to date such as Mari­ah Carey, Jay‑Z, Aretha Franklin, Ali­cia Keys and more. How­ev­er, dur­ing our con­ver­sa­tion with Dupri we spoke on a new top­ic oth­er than music, one that will inspire many to change their lifestyles by mak­ing the sim­ple steps to eat­ing bet­ter and focus­ing on dis­ci­pline.

The music exec­u­tive has part­nered with The Beet, which is a plant-based diet plat­form that builds a com­mu­ni­ty by assist­ing peo­ple by pro­vid­ing them with the tools and resources to live their most ener­getic and health­i­est lifestyle.

Dupri is a con­trib­u­tor to the site as well and dur­ing our con­ver­sa­tion with him, he gave us 3 steps to start on this mis­sion of a new healthy lifestyle.