Fits4Yoga is bring­ing diver­si­ty into the yoga indus­try by being a women-owned and Black-owned Yoga bou­tique. We had the chance to speak with the woman behind the brand, Tem­pestt Young.

Fits4Yoga opened their doors July 1, 2019, and what start­ed off as a pop up, has now turned into an amaz­ing store­front in the Chica­go Ridge Mall and Star Wood Retail. *Please note that this loca­tion is closed due to the pan­dem­ic. Fits4Yoga is plan­ning to reopen in anoth­er loca­tion in late 2022, so be sure to vis­it their web­site and social media to stay abreast of their new loca­tion. Be sure to vis­it their web­site here.

1. Tell us about Fits4Yoga! How did your busi­ness get start­ed?

Fits4yoga got start­ed in 2018. I was googling cloth­ing for my yoga class­es and noticed that there weren’t any afford­able and trendy cloth­ing. I noticed an issue and decid­ed to cre­ate a solu­tion.

2. Can you share with us any hur­dles that you had to over­come as a busi­ness own­er?

I think the lack of funds would be the biggest hur­dle in start­ing a busi­ness. Access to cap­i­tal is chal­leng­ing. There are some good oppor­tu­ni­ties out there, just need the time to research but that can be time-con­sum­ing as well.

3. What sets your busi­ness apart from oth­er busi­ness­es in your indus­try?

The yoga space does­n’t have a lot of diver­si­ty. Being black-owned and women-owned is what sets us apart. The cloth­ing itself is orig­i­nal, styl­ish, and com­fort­able.

4. Where do you envi­sion your busi­ness in the next 5 years?

In the next 5 years, I want a big­ger loca­tion for Fits4yoga where we have enough room for cloth­ing and yoga class­es.

5. Is there any­thing that we can look­out for that’s com­ing up in the next few months? Any new releas­es etc. ?

Yes, always new cloth­ing and new designs. More vir­tu­al yoga class­es but we are mov­ing back to in per­son.

6. Where can we fol­low you and your busi­ness on social media?

Fits4yoga on Face­book and insta­gram

Inter­viewed By: Francesca Ellana