We know you are super excit­ed to start off 2021 as healthy as pos­si­ble and we’ve got the per­fect idea on how to do just that, so keep on read­ing!!

Many of us know the ben­e­fits of bone broth, which isn’t just for cozy win­ter feels. It’s a year-round well­ness habit with proven ben­e­fits. Just like you’d reach for a cup of joe, reach for a cup of joy each day with Beau­ty & The Broth.

 Hol­ly­wood Actress and Mod­el Melis­sa Boloña found­ed the new com­pa­ny after dis­cov­er­ing broth as the rem­e­dy to her long­time diges­tive issues. Melis­sa researched var­i­ous prod­ucts and ulti­mate­ly fell in love with bone broth and its ben­e­fits on a trip to New York, but quick­ly found that most broths she found were too bland or too gamey. She saw this as an invi­ta­tion to chef up broth recipes in her kitchen — six months lat­er, Beau­ty & The Broth was born. 

 In addi­tion to her stom­ach woes improv­ing, Boloña began see­ing ben­e­fits in her hair, skin, nails, and even increased ener­gy lev­els upon cre­at­ing her recipe.

View the beau­ti­ful pack­ag­ing here!! 

She Also Cre­ates Recipes On Her Beau­ty & The Broth­’s YouTube Chan­nel

 The sub­scrip­tion-based com­pa­ny offers USDA approved, organ­ic grass-fed, ranch-raised beef, veg­e­tar­i­an-fed, free-range chick­en bone broth con­cen­trates made from scratch and slow­ly sim­mered togeth­er with organ­ic veg­eta­bles and herbs. Per­fect for those who lead active lifestyles and keep con­ve­nience in mind, Beau­ty & The Broth offers week­ly, biweek­ly, month­ly, and direct-to-door sub­scrip­tion pro­grams (as well as a one-time pur­chase only option). Each order includes a min­i­mum of 12 x 3oz pouch­es of bone broth con­cen­trate along with a 12oz reusable BPA free rice husk cup and a cup sleeve — Broth on the go!  Cus­tomers have the option of cus­tomiz­ing their on-the-go sip­ping expe­ri­ence by adding dif­fer­ent amounts of water to their broth.  Beau­ty & the Broth is the bev­er­age for whole-body beau­ty that will have you glow­ing from the inside out.

Key fac­tors on Beau­ty & The Broth Prod­ucts:

  • USDA organ­ic grass-fed, ranch-raised beef
  • USDA organ­ic veg­e­tar­i­an-fed, free-range chick­en
  • Pow­er­ful, USDA organ­ic veg­eta­bles, herbs, and sea­son­ings  (includ­ing cel­ery, gin­ger, turmer­ic, leeks, car­rots, onions, Him­i­layan salt, pep­per­corn)
  • Made with col­la­gen-rich USDA organ­ic bones to ensure you only sip the best, this brand uses famil­iar ele­ments in their entire­ty with every exclu­sive batch, mak­ing all broths Paleo and Keto friend­ly, gluten-free, free of preser­v­a­tives, and no salt added.


Check out the brand’s web­siteYouTube chan­nel and Insta­gram for addi­tion­al infor­ma­tion.