Bond­ing over make­up is quite a com­mon pas­time of best friends. We had the won­der­ful oppor­tu­ni­ty to learn even more about what’s to come for the all-inclu­sive brand own­er of BFF Cos­met­ics, Bian­ca Bee. 

Not only will you find Bian­ca wear­ing the pants as a cos­met­ics line own­er, but also as a moti­va­tion­al fig­ure, uti­liz­ing social media to con­tin­ue to strive for a pos­i­tive online pres­ence for peo­ple of all ages. Her deter­mi­na­tion to launch a line of cos­met­ics that brings the com­bi­na­tion of friend­ship and beau­ty to a whole new stan­dard, is noth­ing short of remark­able. 


1.Tell us about BFF Cos­met­ics! How did your busi­ness get start­ed?

BFF Cos­met­ics which stands for Beau­ty. Friends. For­ev­er.  Is an all-inclu­sive make­up brand that pro­motes all things beau­ty, eye­brows, and make­up with best friends.

BFF Cos­met­ics Com­pa­ny was found­ed by Author and Influ­encer Bian­ca Bee. Bian­ca’s vision of the brand was cre­at­ed in Decem­ber 2014. She wrote the con­cept down in her 10-year-plan that she would have her own beau­ty and did just that in 2020.

2. Can you share with us any hur­dles that you had to over­come as a busi­ness own­er?

“When I first start­ed my cos­met­ics com­pa­ny, I had no idea how hard pack­ag­ing and ship­ping was and the amount it costs to ship prod­ucts. It plays a huge part in bud­get­ing when start­ing a new busi­ness. It sound­ed so sim­ple until I did it the first day of launch­ing and sell­ing out. I was like, “holy cow, how am I going to ship all this stuff by myself? I had to ask my grand­moth­er for help. So I high­ly rec­om­mend new busi­ness own­ers to have a ship­ping bud­get and a mar­ket­ing bud­get.

3. What sets your busi­ness apart from oth­er busi­ness­es in your indus­try?

What sets me apart from oth­er brands is hon­est­ly my “Bestie Brows” col­lec­tion. I feel like this col­lec­tion is an every­day prod­uct that every­one wears. It doesn’t mat­ter if you don’t wear heavy make­up dai­ly, a BFF will always have her eye­brows filled. Every beau­ty lover loves a good eye­brow pen­cil and that is what BFF brings to the table. Most peo­ple start out with tons of prod­ucts, I want­ed to start out small and build.

4. Where do you envi­sion your busi­ness in the next 5 years?

I envi­sion my busi­ness in the next five years being acces­si­ble rather than just online. I imag­ine my com­pa­ny being in Ulta and Tar­get. 

5. Is there any­thing that we can look­out for that’s com­ing up in the next few months? Any new releas­es etc. ?

We will be launch­ing more Bestie Brow shades, a win­ter col­lec­tion and make­up palettes. 

6. Where can we fol­low you and your busi­ness on social media?

You can fol­low my busi­ness at and on Insta­gram

Inter­viewed By: Han­nah Fletch­er