GAINESVILLE, Fla. (AP) — In the heart of Gainesville, Flori­da, Jacque­line Valdez is redefin­ing fit­ness and move­ment, one client at a time. A cer­ti­fied fit­ness instruc­tor, pro­fes­sion­al dancer, chore­o­g­ra­ph­er, jour­nal­ist, and talk show host, Valdez brings a mul­ti­fac­eted approach to well­ness through her pri­vate stu­dio, Jacque­line Valdez Stu­dio | Dance, Pilates & Pole.

Valdez’s stu­dio stands apart by offer­ing small class­es, expert instruc­tion, and per­son­al­ized pro­grams tai­lored to each clien­t’s unique needs. “What makes my stu­dio spe­cial is the focused atten­tion, vari­ety of class­es, and the sense of sis­ter­hood we cul­ti­vate,” Valdez said. “It’s a heal­ing and friend­ly envi­ron­ment, both in-stu­dio and vir­tu­al­ly.”

Her jour­ney into fit­ness and move­ment is one of resilience and trans­for­ma­tion. After decades in pro­fes­sion­al the­ater and dance, Valdez turned to Pilates and yoga to enhance her per­for­mance, man­age injuries, and main­tain peak phys­i­cal con­di­tion. How­ev­er, it was a career-alter­ing car acci­dent that deep­ened her pas­sion, as Pilates became the key to rebuild­ing both her phys­i­cal and men­tal well-being.

Dur­ing her recov­ery, Valdez dis­cov­ered pole danc­ing, devel­op­ing a unique­ly grace­ful style that earned her a cov­et­ed appear­ance on America’s Got Tal­ent. She went on to win mul­ti­ple gold and sil­ver medals in pole fit­ness com­pe­ti­tions, earn­ing the title of The Pole Bal­le­ri­na from Pole World News.

Beyond move­ment, Valdez has also made an impact in media. As a jour­nal­ist and talk show host, she con­ducts insight­ful inter­views with celebri­ties world­wide. Her talk show, Jacque­line Valdez Live, gained promi­nence dur­ing the pan­dem­ic, pro­vid­ing a plat­form for sto­ries of hope and resilience. Her writ­ing appears in X‑Pole, Sheen Mag­a­zine, and Pole World News.

As an entre­pre­neur, Valdez finds ful­fill­ment in the lives she trans­forms. “Move­ment is med­i­cine for the body and soul,” she said. “Why not be age­less? I am work­ing hard on chang­ing lives one body at a time!”

For those seek­ing an empow­er­ing, sup­port­ive space to grow through move­ment, Jacque­line Valdez Stu­dio offers an unpar­al­leled experience—one that extends beyond fit­ness into heal­ing, com­mu­ni­ty, and self-dis­cov­ery.

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